
Part-time Jobs For Students: A Good Idea Essay

Good Essays

Part-time Jobs for Students: A Good Idea

I, being employed with a part-time job, truly do believe that there is no wrong in having a part-time job while being a student. I honestly think that it is an awesome, great idea for students to have part-time jobs before they graduate from high school -- if they have the time and resources to do so. Students who are responsible, or learn responsibility, have nothing to loose but all to gain by having a job. There are a few key points that prove students having part-time jobs is an awesome concept which I am going to point out. A student that can maintain a part-time job gain excellent first-hand experience that cannot be gained from the classroom. Today, if you are looking in the help …show more content…

A student with a part-time job will learn not only great work ethic, but also how to balance the demanding workloads between school and work. This is great for when students go on to become involved in other activities because they will know time management and how to balance their energy between activities. Time management is a skill that is extremely important to students and people in today?s world because everything is so fast, and compressed; there is a lot to do in a typical day of a student! Employed students must learn how to work while still making time for their studies and other things. They will also have to learn confidence in telling the boss when they absolutely can not work because schoolwork must come first. For example, I used to work about 40 hours a week at Tim Horton?s while I was attending Northern full time as a student. Between all this, I was training for boxing, running x-country, maintaining a social life and such but I kept my schoolwork the first priority with my job running in a close second. It was hard to get on track of balancing everything while working eight(plus) hour day shifts but I was able to manage it, and find use for every moment I had awake. I learned a lot from that time in my life and now every day I get I seem to plan out and make sure I have the proper time for everything. Students learning how to balance their workload will benefit a lot

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