
Participants With Acute Stroke And Unilateral Hemiparesis

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2.1. Participants
Five participants with acute stroke and unilateral hemiparesis (Age 51 ± 17 years; Height 1.7 ± 0.1m; Weight 81.6 ± 3.6kg; LOS 36 ± 24.6 days; 3 males, 2 females; 2 with right hemiplegia) were recruited for RE gait training during inpatient rehabilitation in conjunction with traditional therapy. Participant inclusion requirements: have a medical clearance, upright standing tolerance (≥30 min), intact skin, physically fit into the device, have joint range of motion within normal functional limits for ambulation, have had stroke with its onset >1 week and 0.05). This may suggest that the RE was limited to rehabilitate muscles during the IDS and swing phases as seen in figures (6-8).
TA muscle, a crucial muscle for foot lift during gait, and major player in maintaining balance and stability, demonstrated no significant differences during IDS, SS, and TDS on the affected side with the RE as compared to without the RE (P= 0.52780, P= 0.73530, P= 0.07592 respectively), but showed a significant difference during swing as stated above. In the TA muscle, there was no significant differences between the affected and unaffected limbs with RE (P>0.05). While there was no significant differences in EMG activation of the TA muscle without the RE during TDS and Swing, conversely there was a significant difference in IDS, and SS when comparing the affected and unaffected limbs (IDS: P=0.02631, SS: P=0.04539, TDS: P=0.06174, SW: P=0.09960). There was no significant

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