
Partisan Journalism

Decent Essays

The media is perhaps more controversial in recent times than it has ever been. The one thing that everyone seems to agree upon is that it is in some way flawed. However, everyone has their own opinion on what the media should be, and how it should operate. Numerous writers have given their opinions on the issues surrounding the media, and give a variety of reasons on how the information from popular sources isn’t always as accurate as they would claim to be. Edward R. Murrow, Ahmed Al Sheikh, James L. Baughman and David French are among these writers who provide their voice to this topic. Conducting research in the popular sphere is problematic, because the sources are more interested in reaching a large audience, eliciting an emotional response …show more content…

James L. Baughman, writes about this in his article, “The Fall and Rise of Partisan Journalism” He discusses Fox News, in which over sixty percent of its audience is made up of conservatives. He goes on to state that the stories presented in such media are specifically shaping their stories to appeal to certain facets of the population(Baughman). He acknowledges that as a conservative, there are certain people whose opinions he agrees with, and there is a sense of community among those who share in his beliefs(Baughman). The business aspect of the news is essentially taking that feeling and magnifying it so that the viewer keeps watching, which makes the station spouting out the information the profit they desire. Murrow and Baughman differ on the focus, even though they have a similar point. Murrow focuses more on the “why” news sources are generating content for profits, while Baughman focuses more on the “how”. They both agree that news sources care more about reaching an audience, rather than informing …show more content…

Ahmed Al Sheikh, author of “The Media in the Post-Truth Era”, explains that social media is the perfect platform to utilize this method. He states that “offer a quick way to convey one-sided information or opinion, without the option or capability to verify the authenticity of this information or to present the opposite opinion for the sake of balance”(Al Sheikh). He elaborates that people people have a tendency to listen to these social media platforms, despite their authenticity. Donald Trump is a perfect example of this. His use of Twitter was astronomical in him getting elected, despite their being virtually no evidence to the majority of his exclamations(Al Sheikh). Social media tends to spread this “fake news” because when someone writes on the platform, it is read by everyone they know. Regardless of its authenticity, it is automatically creating a pathos appeal to those reading it, because they have some sort of connection to the person who is making the

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