
Pascal Boyer's Explanation Of Religion Summary

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First of all, Pascal Boyer begins by giving common explanations of religion, all of them have some logic and good understanding. Also, he introduces by saying that psychology, anthropology, and neuroscience offer more empirical approach in acquiring and representing religious concepts. In fact, he gives a table represented by Do's and Don'ts in the study of religion, apparently what he wants us to say and not say. He keeps saying the important that is our understanding of why religion is easy to acquire and transmit by giving us what he thinks are the two main points of this statement, religion does not activate particular capacity in the mind and religion and no religion are parts of our mental equipment. He starts arguing that people defend their beliefs according to his view in what he call sleep of reason interpretation. However, Boyer is not satisfactory at all with the sleep of reason because some pieces of that information will have effect in some people but not others, and he express that he could make up hundreds of such interesting and irrefutable beliefs that no one would ever consider as a possible belief. Through the reading Pascal differs that all human beings do not have full access to the way …show more content…

First of all, Boyer put on his writings many points of view about religion making me go sometimes confused and of course feel different concepts about religion. Additionally, Boyer is able to present a very dense network of theories which not only explains many religious phenomena but also sets them in relation to each other. The integration of cognitive science research leads to a very realistic model of how religious concepts are processed and communicated. Also, Boyer's account of the natural basis of religion explains very well the persistence and re-emergence of religion even in a secularized environment, as well as the tensions between official and folk religion. In addition

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