
Patient Safety

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Patient Safety As we all know, patient safety in a healthcare setting is extremely important and is to be taken very seriously. This is a very challenging topic with any healthcare establishment, because people do make errors and it’s only human. It is everybody’s job within the facility, hospital, or any healthcare setting to work on making sure that the safety of every patient that enters and leaves their building is safe. We want patients to feel safe and confident when they have to go to the hospital for a procedure, or even to a skilled nursing facility to have rehabilitation or to eventually stay long term. Not only is it the prospective patients that we have to take care of and maintain their safety while they are in “our hands”, …show more content…

This is very scary for many people. Nobody wants to go to the hospital go “get better” and then end up with another type of infection. Once again you see this topic a lot in the news, such as the “super bug” and the “MRSA”. Yes, these are all infections and most of them do occur in a healthcare setting. They can be very expensive as well to cure because the antibiotics are so expensive. Really the only way to take control of the spreading of infection is to really have good education from a physician or a nurse. But, once again it is something that you an acquire within the healthcare setting, so you have to make sure that the employees that are working there have the proper training of infection control and they know the proper steps in maintaining the spread of infection. If you are a patient and someone walks into your room to give you medication, take your blood pressure, of assist you in anyway, make sure that they have washed their hands and that they have gloves on. In a healthcare setting it is their job to treat everyone as though they have “something” and they should be taking proper precautions no matter what. A lot of the reason that infections occur in a hospital or nursing facility is because staff members are extremely busy and they are going from room to room to answer bells and take care of their patients, and they don’t always think to stop and wash their hands. Just try to remind them to wash their hands in order to keep yourself

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