
Patricia Piccinini

Decent Essays

Genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, advanced robotics, virtual realities and online incarnations of the self are all elements of our globalised, technology-saturated world that we are accustomed to. As a result of these advancements, the question of what constitutes the ‘human’ has become increasingly complex, as the traditional boundaries between human and non-human have been significantly blurred.

Bio-artist Eduardo Kac investigates this post-human dilemma by engaging in a new media practice that incorporates cutting edge genetic science and molecular biology to create what he calls “transgenic art” (Kac, 2009). Kac opposes our established anthropocentric world-view though an exploration of the interspecies “contiguity of life” …show more content…

The Breathing Room, 1999, responds to sociocultural anxiety associated with the collision of nature and technology, through three large screens that according to Piccinini depict “a fragment of the body, a vast stretch of breathing skin” which signals its mounting pressure through vibrations in the floor. In this way, Piccinini’s ideas about biotechnological advancements are viscerally experienced by the audience whose sensory experience is heightened by the amplified sound of a small animal scurrying across a path, heard from the television monitors mounted on the back wall. The computer generated transgenic animal then runs from screen to screen too rapidly for audiences to observe its mutation, evoking the dizzying pace at which technology is advancing and the implications of genetic engineering on the body. By exhibiting her multichannel installation in a ‘black cube’ where there is no overt surveillance, perhaps Piccinini is also expressing her concern that we are being ‘kept in the dark’ about the long term evolutionary effects of these new technologies, which are not always for the better. By chronicling the effect of these technological advancements, Piccinini’s work provides a platform for her ideas about the ethical implications of human interference in natural reproductive

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