
Patrick Henry Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Rhetorical Analysis Essay: Patrick Henry “Give me Liberty or Give me Death” Patrick Henry adresses the delegates at the Convention of Virginia (1776) in his speech titled, “Give me Liberty or Give me Death!” Henry develops his claim by speaking candidly with a dramatic tone. He strengthens his credibility through his use and application of a ceremonious diction, and his syntax perfectly fits the occasion. In the speech he hopes to induce delegates into seceding from Great Britain to take arms against the English. Immediately as the speech begins, Henry’s tone manifests itself and remains unwavering. Henry begins, “It is natural for a man to indulge in the illustration of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth” (1). This sheds insight on his message and portrays him as a well versed individual. He then strengthens his tone when he says …show more content…

For example, “Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss,” (Henry 1). Here, Henry uses an anaphora to evoke a certain emotional effect from the audience. He also references the book of Luke from the bible which helps his argument by appealing to any religious members of the audience. Henry’s clever multifunctional pattern of words play a major role in the deliverance of his speech. In conclusion, Henry uses various rhetorical strategies which are centered around his tone to help persuade the delegates to become independent. He uses his closing comments to stress the reality of the war hoping to assure them to completely disaffiliate themselves from the British. In his final words Henry says, “give me liberty or give me death,” (3). which expresses that he would take the ultimate sacrifice for his country; this momentous quote completely assures the delegates that seceding is the prime decision to becoming an independent

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