Paul Revere was born on December 21, 1734 and died on May 10, 1818 at the age of 83.He was buried at the Granary Burying Ground,Boston,MA.He had 13 kids.Sarah,Joseph,Maria,Harriet ,Joshua,Isanna,Frances,Lucy, John,Mary,Paul,Deborah,& Elizabeth.he had two spouses with names of Rachel Walker, and Sarah orne.Paul Revere was known for his art,he led a spy ring,he was a french extraction,his most famous poem was fabricated, and he was a silversmith by trade. Although most familiar as the hard-riding hero of longfellow’s poem, Paul Revere’s claims to historical significance rest even more on his talent as a craftsmen and on his industrial perspicacity.The son of a huguenot silversmith,Apollos Rivoire,and Deborah Hitchbourn, Revere
The first piece of evidence supporting Paul Revere as an American Hero is his midnight ride. His famous ride occurred on the 18th of April in 1775 which began at 10 o'clock, not midnight, according to Revere’s famous letter to Jeremy Belknap. Although his mission began at 10 pm, he did not begin to ride until 11 o'clock after he got his horse from the stables because Paul had been asked to ride to Lexington to inform the citizens between Concord and Lexington that the British were coming. Paul never said that “The British are coming,” though. Revere actually said “the regulars are out.” Paul Revere did this in case the British were going to attack. If he had not warned citizens between Concord and Lexington, entire Villages could have been possibly been decimated, but Paul
The climax of “Paul Revere's Ride” was when Revere reached Concord and warned the people that the redcoats were coming. In reality, he never even made it to Concord. When Revere, Prescott, and Dawes were riding to Concord, they encountered some British soldiers. Prescott jumped over a stone wall and Dawes was also able to get away. Revere was captured by redcoats and interrogated. A sixteen year old girl named Sybil Ludington completed his ride, warning colonists about the redcoats.
The war between Britain and France in 1756 brought great wealth and prosperity to Boston. As with any war many British soldiers were brought into town and with them came money. For a short time Paul Revere was part of this army as a means for money although, he was soon discharged and returned to Boston where his business prospered. Revere made common things for the soldiers such as lockets, buckles, and silver spoons but his reputation came mostly from the orders to make fancy silverware, Flaggons, teapots and other things of the sort. With the increase in the market Revere began making frames for paintings and some dental devices, like false teeth . On August 17, 1857 he married a woman by the name of Sara Orne. They had eight children together
There are many myths found in American history which the average person will believe to be true. One of the common historical facts that deals with the stretching of what really went down is the ride of Paul Revere. Most have heard of how Paul managed to ride on horseback through the colonies in the middle of the night yelling, “The British are coming!” He managed to warn the two towns of the oncoming threat with this brave and gallant act. However, the truth of this historical act is very different from the fantasy world which has been around it.
Paul Revere was a genial man that saved many lives by warning them of the British’s attack. Racing through the dark, Revere warned the colonists. Paul Revere rode swiftly, carefully, and vigorously to warn the colonists. He was on a mission. Everyone must be warned. Time is of the essence. In 1760, Paul Revere became a Freemason and a member of the Sons of Liberty. Paul Revere was very intelligent. Paul Revere’s notorious Midnight Ride took place on April 18, 1775. (“Paul Revere”). Paul Revere was captured by the British during his remarkable ride, but he was released hours later. He was also known as a Boston messenger, which played a massive role during the war. Paul Revere was certainly
Paul Revere was born on January 1, 1735 and he died on May 10, 1818 at the age of 83. Paul Revere is buried at Granary burying ground in Boston, Massachusetts. Paul Revere had 16 kids total. He had 8 kids with his first wife, Sarah Orne, and 8 more kids with Rachel Walker. All of their kids names were Sarah Revere, Joseph Warren Revere, Maria Revere, Harriet Revere, Joshua Revere, Isanna Revere, Frances Revere, Lucy Revere, John Revere, Mary Revere, Paul Revere Jr., Deborah Revere, and Elizabeth Revere he also had 51 grandchildren! Paul Revere did not shout “the British are coming” like most people think. Instead he shouted “ the Regulators are coming”. When Paul Revere was just 19 his father died leaving him to take over the family business.
Although Revere was not one of the founding members of the Sons of Liberty, he was still actively involved. He did not partake in the violent protests executed by the Sons of Liberty but used his skills as a silversmith to produce engravings, among other political artifacts. For example, the members of this group “wore special insignia that might have been made by Paul Revere - a silver medal with a Liberty Tree and the words ‘Sons of Liberty’ engraved on its face.” He partook in small ways that still showed his support of the group. Later, when the British parliament repealed the tax, Revere was credited with helping to organize a public celebration.
Paul Revere is worthy of having a famous poem written about him because he created propaganda posters to support the patriot cause, he was a successful courier (mail guy), and he was a leader in the Sons of Liberty group. Paul Revere was and is a very well known guy for many things, one of which is his creation of propaganda posters to help get people to support the patriot causes. Revere was a very patriotic person and according to he helped the founding fathers and was in 3 other patriotic groups. This is a very important quality in a person who could get a poem written after him. One of the groups that Paul Revere was in was called the Sons of Liberty. The Sons of Liberty was a secret group that helped to keep the rights of the
Paul Revere served for an alarm to let people know when the british were coming, then later he took a job as a militia officer. Altho his service culminated after the penobscot expedition one of the most disastrous campaigns of the American Revolutionary, War for which he was absolved of blame. he later returned to his silversmith job and became the first American to successfully roll copper into sheets
Some may view Andrew Jackson as a war hero, but others consider him to be a scalawag. Andrew Jackson was one of the Presidents of the United States and served in the Revolutionary War. Native Americans endured terrible outcomes because of Jackson antics. He originated from a poor family and rose to control because of his activities in the war. He was the only President to be born in a poor family and later have a political position which many saw this as heroic.
Patrick Henry is an important historical leader. A great leader, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is a person who runs a group, country, or organization, and excels at it. He lived during the Revolutionary War and fought for America’s freedom. Patrick Henry should be viewed as a great leader because he believed in freedom, human rights, and was an important person during early American history (Merriam Webster).
Apollos, who changed his name to the more English-sounding Paul not long after in the wake of landing in America, was a craftsman himself. After a long apprenticeship with a goldsmith, the senior Revere set up his very own shop in the occasionally harsh North End area of Boston. When he was mature enough, his child Paul most seasoned of seven youngsters, apprenticed with him.
As others struggled, he saw that his own business could soon be in debt unless problems with the British were soon solved. He joined the Freemasons and became friends with other activists such as James Otis and Dr. Joseph Warren. As tensions between the colonies and the British grew, Revere was told to spy on British soldiers and report all the information. Also he worked as a courier for the Boston Committee of Correspondence and the Massachusetts Committee of Safety. In an act of anger, he and others dressed as Indians and dumped tea into Boston Harbor, causing what came to be known as the Boston Tea Party. But it was his ride on April 18, 1775, that put his name into history, especially after it was remember later by the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. At 10 that night Revere rode to Lexington warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams of the approaching British. The Battle at Lexington came after, and that brought the American Revolution. During the war, Revere made many different hats. He manufactured gunpowder and cannon for the Continental Army, printed the country's first money, and commanded Castle William at Boston Harbor. Encouraged by his profit and patriotism Revere became a wealthy businessman while helping the nation develop a strong economy. In 1811, at the age of 76, Paul Revere retired leaving his business to his sons and grandsons. In 1813, both his wife, Rachel and eldest son, Paul Jr. died. On May 10, 1818 at the age of 83 Paul Revere
First of, “Paul Revere’s ride in 1860,during the turbulent times when the United States was on the brink of civil war.” Some of the people didn’t know how he was or anything like that he might have been a normal person. “How accurate was longfellow poem?” The author was Franklin Johnson, “Paul Revere and the American Revolution” by: Ethel Ames, and “Paul Revere’s Ride” written By: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. What I have learned in the “Paul Revere and the American Revolution” was that on April 18, 1775, that Revere was sent to Lexington so he can warn the American leaders, Samuel Adams and John Hancock that the British troops were on their way to arrest them and then seize weapons being stored in Concord. How it was accurate is by that
Many citizens living in America may have heard about the poem ‘Paul Revere’s ride’ on April 18, 1775. It was written by a famous American poet called Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, after 85 years of actual ‘Paul Revere’s ride’. ‘Paul Revere’s Ride’ is one of the famous topics we can easily found while studying 1700’s time of American History. Among, the recorded documents about ‘Paul Revere’s ride’ there are two, the most famous documents, the one I just mentioned and ‘Paul Revere’s letter to Jeremy Belknap’. The poem ‘Paul Revere’s ride’ is also well- known documents about Paul Revere’s ride, but “Paul Revere’s letter to Jeremy Belknap” written by Paul Revere, himself 23 years after the actual ride is also significant source of ‘Paul Revere’s ride to be reckoned with. In contrast, the poem is also an reliable source , however it includes non precise sentence structure and contain so