
Pc Persuasive Speech

Satisfactory Essays

WTSOB1TOC Have you ever gone away on holiday, but you couldn’t bring your PC because it was too big and you needed to unplug and untangle everything to even carry it? Or have you smashed the desk your PC is on and the screen turned black? Or has there been a power cut and you want to play or work but can’t because PCs don’t have batteries that charge with electricity? Well, that happens less frequently with laptops so I’ll talk about them and try to persuade you to make a change! The first point is, They’re small and easy to carry so you can take them with you. They’re so short so then when it’s closed, you can bring your laptop without anyone knowing, whereas with a PC, even if you do manage to untangle it, your parents might tell you off, and if they don’t, when you get to your destination it will be hard to plug all the plugs back into the power outlet. On the laptop side though, you only need to plug in one or two plugs depending if you need an extension cable or not, and if you didn’t use the laptop on the journey there, you won’t need to plug it in for 1-6 hours! …show more content…

Even if you have no data, there are a wide variety of offline applications to work on and play

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