Hey Seniors, Two of our fellow seniors, Curtis Robinson and Sumayyah Singletary, have taken the initiative to plan an unofficial class trip. The following is a message from them: We are planning an unofficial class trip to Statesville Haunted Prison on Thursday, October 27th. Yes, you read that right! We know this is an abrupt field trip, but we wanted to do an activity that was both exciting and could raise money for our class. The tickets for the haunted house is $30 (bus fare included), however, a down payment of $9 is due by Friday, October 21st by 5:00pm in order to lock in the bus(es). All money is due by 5:00pm on Wednesday, October 26, and all money should be given to Curtis Robinson or Sumayyah Singletary directly. They will collect
Persuasive speech outline purpose: To persuade my audience to donate blood through the American Red Cross. Introduction:
C. As long as schooling increases the marginal return to work more than crime and schooling does not decrease patience levels or increase risk aversion.
Have you served in a war? Has your father or mother served in a war? How about your grandpa? As we honor those who have served we typically do so by standing for the pledge of allegiance or star spangled banner. We say thank you to our war heroes or we go and visit them and listen to their stories. In this paper I will be discussing why NFL players should not be allowed to kneel for the flag. Although the NFL players have the right to peacefully protest, they should find a different way than kneeling as it shows disrespect towards the flag also active duty military and veterans, it teaches young children this behavior is okay, what they are protesting has nothing to do with the flag and there are many different ways to get their message out.
*C. Motivation*: What if the person waiting on the list needing an organ transplant was someone you loved? Imagine if you had a brother or sister who had unexpectedly died and you were able to meet the person who received their heart, for example. Think of the satisfaction and possible comfort knowing that your brother or sister provided life for somebody else.
I am sure that everyone of you have heard about aliens and UFOs. Indeed, we all have heard about the famous case of aliens and UFOs in Roswell, New Mexico. Most people might be interested in the topic of aliens, but I know that the majority of you just think of it as rumours and the existence of them are impossible. Therefore, I am standing here in front all of you to make you change your perspective. I am strongly confident that I have found the evidence of their real existence to convince all of you.
For example, using a leftover coffee can for loose nails or screws, or even washing and reusing a plastic zip-loc bag instead of throwing it in the garbage. Thrift shopping is a way of reusing someone else’s unwanted goods. As I spoke about in an earlier speech about thrifting, I included many locations and ways to thrift, also the benefits to the shopper and the donator. One place in particular was shopping at the local boys and girls club. I personally shop there, keeping my eyes open for a good deal. For example, the pair of jeans that I am wearing today was purchased from this store just a few months ago. I paid only $8.00 for this pair of Lucky Jeans and according to buckle.com, a retailer for lucky jeans the retail price is $99.00 that is a savings to me of $91.00.I am not the type to worry about name brands, but quality usually does cost more. If I can get a quality pair of jeans at a fraction on the price, I am glad to shop at the thrift store. I am thankful to the person that made the donation of the lucky jeans and they can benefit from that donation. According to the IRS webpage, IRS. Gov it explains that an individual can donate items like clothing, household furniture and furnishings, a car or boat, even taxidermy. The donations are appraised, by the donator, and recorded. At the time of filing taxes if the donation equals at least $500 for the year, the donator may take advantage of the
I was going over my preschool day and had a couple of questions for you.
Daniel khun, I love you. Paul McCain, I love you. frank Dalton, I love you. Mrs. Jodi meeker archer, I love you too. As a matter of fact class, I love everyone in here. Now some of you might be appalled by me saying this. Many of you may be flattered by it; and a number of you might even wonder. Is this guy crazy? Who does he think he is? How could he have the audacity to tell me he loves me? To you I say this, I’m just a normal guy with a big heart; a guy practicing the correct ideology to remedy this evil world. And right now, I’m trying to influence you to abide by the same system. A system that is so natural and so pure, but is often revered as a weakness or an enigma that should be avoided at all cost. As a matter of fact, I believe
I am sure that everyone of you have heard about aliens and UFOs. Indeed, we all have heard about the famous case of aliens and UFOs in Roswell, New Mexico. Most people might be interested in the topic of aliens, but I know that the majority of you just think of it as rumours and the existence of them are impossible. Therefore, I am standing here in front all of you to make you change your perspective. I am strongly confident that I have found the evidence of their real existence to convince all of you.
I was a very conceited third grader. All children have the tendency of overconfidence; I was no exception. But back in third grade, it was even worse.
Life is a beautiful thing. However, it is not always easy. There will be difficulties and challenges along the way. There is no human being on earth who has not encounter struggles, suffering, or failure in life. Sometimes the challenges we experience can be the pathway to self realization. A wake up call that alter our own perspectives and outlook in life. These hardships test the courage, perseverance and true character of a human being. In the ted talk I have watched titled “3 things I learned as my plane crashed”, I am amazed by how brave the speaker was in facing life again. Ric Elias, speaker of the ted talk video, and a front row seater of flight 1549 had survived a plane crashed. Despite that, he still views life in a positive way and uses this unforgettable experience as a motivation to become a better person. He shared his experience in order to to enlighten the audience’s mind and persuade them to live life meaningfully and with a purpose.
In today’s society we tend to praise children by giving them plaques, trophies, and medals for anything; even just showing up. We are afraid that our children will be hurt because they lost. That thought makes us oblivious to the fact that we are sending a dangerous message to our children: Everyone's a winner. We are teaching our children that it is never okay to lose, so we make an excuse to make them a winner. Parents, coaches, and league directors should be against giving participation awards. Putting this false claim of “everyone's a winner” in their minds is only setting them up for failure and will never teach them the truth of the real world. Parents and league directors should stop allowing participation trophies because it creates unmotivated generations, makes kids feel that they are entitled to a reward, and does not give a true reality of what the real world is like outside of our adolescent years.
Donald Trump is our 45th president, with a background of being a successful business man in the real estate industry and his interest in politcis that ultimately resulted in his presidency on the first run in office. President Donald Trump has promised America several changes, ensuring the nation that he will make sure America is great again, with that being his slogan we can see how dedicated and commited the president is into making great changes during his time in office.
Whenever people ask, “If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?” I always replied with “adventurous.” I was always down for anything; skydiving, scuba diving, or just sightseeing in general, never have I ever regretted any of my decisions, little did I know that in the next ten hours, all of that would change.
The scraping of teeth isn't the most appealing noise or feeling to most people, but then again, most people don’t genuinely enjoy their semi-annual trip to the dentist like I do. Don’t get me wrong, i'm not infatuated with the idea of a sickle probe grazing my teeth, but the idea of having a mouth full of pearly whites makes up for it. Unlike most kids, I never had a dream career like being a firefighter or an actress. I always just assumed it was something I could figure out at the end of my high school career, so imagine my surprise when I found a crystal clear idea earlier than I thought I would.