
Pedophilia Is An Increase Sense The New Age Of Technology

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Pedophilia is an ever growing problem in the United States, and is on an increase sense the new age of technology. Pedophilic disorder is diagnosed according to the DSM-5 as when an adult derives sexual gratification through contact with children or the want to have sexual conduct with a child which may cause that person severe distress. Criteria for this disorder is very specific to ages, it states that that person has to be at least 16 years old (not legal adult age) and must be at least five years older than the child. The criteria also states that for at least six months the person must have recurrent and intense sexual arousing and other things of that nature. The person has acted on his or her urges as well. A person who has …show more content…

Although men have a higher rate of having pedophilic disorder according to Cohen et Al (2009) women account for 0.4 to 4% of convicted sex offenders. This is a small percent but still worth noting that this is not just a male dominant issue. When one is diagnosed with pedophilic disorder they are normally furtherly assessed and because they are not always truthful they use multiple types of assessments. Cohen et Al (2009) shows that goal method in the use of erectile response to targets of different ages and sex are recorded along with a galvanic skin response and a respiration rate. The Abel Assessment for Sexual Interests that measures observable behavior to images along a questionnaire helps decide the disorder. Other tests include self reporting surveys. Tests such as these help understand why some may develop pedophilic disorder.

There are multiple theories that explain why some may be diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. Finkelhor et Al (1986) lists four different theories that explain what may have led to the pedophilic disorder. First is emotional congruence with focusing on the idea that pedophiles have low self-esteem and childlike emotional needs so they want to find relationships with other children which will give them the feeling of power. Second is the sexual arousal to children which can mean a true sexual attraction or more of an emotional attraction to children. Third is the

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