In preparation for the making of our video for the Peer Leadership Institute we visited various locations the Peer Leadership Institute works at in order to get a feel for what the video can be, and we should direct our resources.
PLI works primarily indoors – the trainings take place indoors, and the workshops take place indoors. There is not an exact building in which either of these events occur, PLI is a workshop that is intended to go closer to the teenagers that it is targeting, as opposed to asking people to go very far to them. However, there are certain types of buildings in which the workshops usually take place, most often in classrooms and in youth community centers. The same is true of the training sessions themselves.
In addition
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For function, the rooms are typically very well lit, and even small will still allow for shots from a variety of distances.
The video will largely be composed of interior shots, but for certain reasons we may choose to incorporate exterior shots as well. These may be of the volunteers/participants in other settings, perhaps walking into the building, or conducting an interview outdoors. Additionally, we may also choose to get exterior shots of the buildings themselves or the streets of Boston as an added element to the video.
Also extremely likely is that we will use interviews with the participants of PLI in the video. The subjects being interviewed could (and likely but not definitely will) include: the student volunteers, the attendees of the workshops and the administrative staff of PLI. Less likely but still possibly the video could also include a few interviews with friends and family of those involved in PLI – especially those of the attendees and volunteers – for a perspective on how PLI has influenced its participants from people besides the participants themselves but the people who know them
The FBLA-PBL National Fall Leadership Conference was held from November 20th to 21st, at the Hilton in Baltimore, Maryland. The nearly 100 New Jersey FBLA and PBL officers, members, and advisers were accompanied by FBLA-PBL State Chairman Ms. Nancy Ostrowski. Wallkill Valley High School was recognized for the largest attendance the National Fall Conference with 69 Members by President Jose Espinel.
The team member assigned to take photos should take pictures of the building structures from every angle. When taking exterior shots of the building it is important to take photos of the building structure and the landscape, because the two could possibly have a relation. Take as many photos as possible of the material used to construct the buildings. Basic features like windows, doors, stairs, fireplaces, and the designs of rooms in the house should also be included in the photos. When taking interior shots the photographer should focus on the interior style, attributes, unusual features, and design patterns if some are present.
Kanawha County Teen Leaders: Over 4,000 hours of service to community since 2010. The service mainly falls into three categories: staffing educational kiosks at Health Fairs and Science Events; counseling and teaching at afterschool sites, day camps, overnight, and younger residential camp; and improving camp facilities during camp clean-up events. Recent survey regarding teen leader overnight event indicated that they were part of the decision-making, felt safe with other campers and staff, felt accepted by other and felt they could freely express their opinion. A survey sent to all who were county teen leaders during 2010-2015. The results indicate that they increased leadership and life skills and that elements of positive youth developments were evident within the program.
As expected, almost every Gateway Academy student complained about the length of our previous summer reading assignments. In an attempt to appease the masses, this summer we were given Teen Leadership Revolution: How Ordinary Teens Become Extraordinary Leaders by Tom Thelen. Through fourteen chapters Thelen discusses fourteen topics ranging from bullying to self-discipline to honesty. These chapters paired with their respective questions promised to help teens “navigate the storms of life and become great leaders”. While this book was, as promised, shorter than previous assignments, it was also irrelevant, poorly written, and not appropriate for readers my age.
I, Jonathan Hollander would like to join the Ladders for Leaders program so I can get experience for my future career. I hopefully can learn new techniques to old tricks, how to handle certain situations and more. I hope to get a summer job/internship out of Ladders for Leaders for two reasons the first being: I’m on a set schedule in the summer, I’m not wasting my time over-sleeping and doing nothing. The second being: a future career or experience for my job. I think I can contribute to ladders for leaders by being a role model for future applicants proving to them you can do something with your summer vacation and more importantly life. I once heard a quote that had a major affect on me “one life can make a difference in the lives of many”.
The AANP offers a twelve month leadership program. It recruits nurse practitioners from the United States and trains them with advance leadership development. “To advance the role and visibility of the nurse practitioner as a provider of high-quality, personalized and patient center healthcare, AANP joins other health organizations through multiple alliances ” ("AANP - Home," 2015, para. 6 ). Joining the alliances, will help the NP build awareness of their role within their profession. Some of the alliances includes: American Cancer Society, Coalition for Patients’ Rights, Daisy foundation, and Million Hearts. AANP is a partner with Million Hearts; nurse practitioners have an important role of helping to prevent heart disease. They work with Million Heart by helping to reduce the number of patients who need treatment for heart attacks and strokes; and improving the lives of the ones who actually need help.
My leadership role as co-president of National Honor Society has affected me greatly in the two years I have been apart of the organization. The organization has taught and grown characteristics, such as leadership, cooperation, and determination, in myself, and in turn I have spread to others. The organization has also shown me the importance of volunteering, and how I can directly contribute to the bettering of my community through volunteering. During my time in the National Honor Society I have completed over 130 hours of community service. This year specifically I have been placed in charge of the recycling program and the road cleanup program. The recycling program consists of placing bins in each classroom for paper and plastic products,
The Coaching Initiative was created to empower our workforce with knowledge about their unique strengths and provide guidance on leveraging those strengths for success at work, home and in our communities.
I chose this video based on the title. I felt that I could learn leadership skills that will promote cultural competence from the video. I’ve learned in the class that cultural competence begins with the leadership of the campus/district. Additionally, I would like to learn that a cultural competent leader looks like and I feel that this video will show this.
2. Why are you interested in being a Peer Leader/Welcome Weekend Leader and why do you think you are qualified for the position?
As the lanterns are being lit, the central chandelier above the bed would probably be shot from a bird 's eye perspective as it was being lowered and then a floor shot as it was being raised. The change in distance would make Songolian seem even smaller in the huge room, a tiny woman surrounded buy countless, huge red lanterns signifying the family traditions.
I would like to be in the Peer Leadership program because I want to obtain the skills necessary to be an effective leader. This summer I will be a counselor in training at Fairview Lake, so I believe that this Peer Leadership Program will fulfill and help finish my goal to strive to be a good leader and role model. In addition, I want to be one of the Peer Leaders who will serve to be a positive influence on students all around Summit. If I am a peer leader, knowing that kids will want to look up to me will help improve my impulse control. I tend to do things without thinking and I am continuing to improve this. One of the three qualities that make me a good role model is I care unconditionally for people because I along many others can relate to those who
Attending this leadership program will allow me to sharpen and gain new skills which will benefit KPMG internally; I will gain skills that will allow me to perform as a better team leader, and provide more focused and relevant upward feedback to my leadership. This will also benefit our clients; having expanded my knowledge through others experience and perspectives, I will have the necessary tools in my hand and contacts in my network to provide viable leadership and solutions for any challenges facing our clients, as they arise. The ability to ‘step away’ from work, to network, and learn how to be a better leader is something I personally feel is essential in shaping more effective, diverse, and influential leaders which is my personal goal.
Establishing Shots- The movie begins with a few establishing shots of skyscrapers and streets crowded with people giving the impression that the location of the film is in New York City. Also, establishing shots are used to show where most of the action will be in film. For example, Andrea is seen walking from her apartment to the bakery to the subway then finally in front a large building. In a high angle shot, Andrea looks vulnerable and nervous for her interview with Miranda. There is an establishing shot of the lobby of the building named Elias-Clarke Publication, where the Runway office is located in. Also, this uses the “outside in” method where the action of movie starts from the outside then
Throughout this semester my leadership skills have not only grown, but changed inside and outside of the classroom. One of the main contributing experiences to this was the Impact Leadership Village’s Fall Retreat. Throughout this retreat we were put through other exercises that made evident to us what kind of leaders we were, what our strengths and weaknesses were, and what was most important to us and how that affected us as leaders. Two of the exercises that we underwent at the retreat have stuck with me throughout the semester. One of these exercises was made for us to better understand what was most important to us. We were given 16 sheets of paper in which we wrote our 4 favorite physical objects, our four favorite people, our four favorite non-physical things, and the four things we hope to accomplish or have later on in life. Slowly we were told to discard each of these things and pretend that these things ‘never had existed’ until we were left with one piece of paper. By the end of the exercise I was holding back tears. My one last piece of paper said the word ‘God’ on it, but in order to have God I had to give away my brother’s name as well as my dad’s name. Realizing how much they meant to me and being told to take this exercise very seriously, I began to weep. Thinking I was the only one crying, I looked up to see there was not a single dry eye in the circle. We went throughout the circle discussing the hardships of discarding the pieces of paper, how we came