
Peer Pressure In Mean Girls

Decent Essays

Did you know 67% of teenage girls are pressured to dress a certain way? In the movie Mean Girls, peer pressure is a common theme. It majorly influences many teenager’s lives. The movie represents the life of a high school student and all the struggles and pressures she faces. There are many examples of peer pressure throughout the movie. All the girls pressure each other to do certain activities, wear certain things, or act a certain way to fit into a clique. Most of the effects of peer pressure are negative. High school is a place to grow as a person and peer pressure has a major impact on the lives of students. Mean Girls by Tina Fey, shows the coming of age of many teenagers throughout their junior year of high school. Coming of age means growing up and reaching a certain point in your life where you are more mature and responsible. The characters undergo a moral growth during the film. By the end, they grow as students learning to accept one another. For example, Ms. …show more content…

Peer pressure is the influence members of one’s peer group has on an individual. In the movie, Regina pressures Cady to write about Ms. Norbury in the “burn book”. Cady respected Ms. Norbury, and although she was mad at her for making Cady join the Mathletes, she would have never written that about her without being scared she’d get looked down upon for not putting it in the book. Janis also pressured Cady into spying on Regina and essentially trying to ruin her life. Cady probably would have never been mean or turned into one of the Plastics if it was not for Janis. Regina pressures all the Plastics to follow a dress code she designed, including telling Gretchen Wieners she couldn’t wear gold hoops ever again because they were “her thing.” The social hierarchy of cliques at the tables in the cafeteria is an example of peer pressure because it forces people to be in a certain group and restricts students from sitting where they

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