
Peer Tutoring Report

Satisfactory Essays

Peer Tutoring Journal #1 Opinder Kandola Block:3 Peer Tutoring Art 8

The grade 8 class I was peer tutoring in art were highly welcoming. They treated me no different from the teacher and they were really easy to talk to. When I first went into the class only a few people would let me help them, but over time I got really close to them.They started trusing that I knew what I was doing. Some of the positive aspects of my class are that they …show more content…

Since they are new to the school they can ask me questions about the school and I would be happy to help them. If I don't know the answer to their questions and I tell them to ask the teacher, they don't criticize me for not knowing the answer. They know I'm only a few years older than them so I won't know the answer to all of their questions. The thing I really like about my class is that they are not scared to talk to me, they treat me like a friend. Some potential problems I see in the future are that every 6 weeks the grade 8's have a rotation, so I will be with new students every 6 weeks. This is going to be hard because I'm going to have to get to know all the new students. There can be a possibly that the new students aren't going to like me, then I'm going to have to give them time to understand me and realize that I'm there to help them. The plus side about the rotations is that we are probably going to do the same thing with all the grade 8's so I will know what to do and hopefully get better at it each time. I honestly feel really comfortable

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