
People With Mental Illness

Decent Essays

When people think of other people with a mental illness they assume right away that the person is psychotic and there is no need to talk to them. Many think that it is impossible to associate with someone with a mental illness and that they will not understand anything they say to them. That is what is wrong with this world today is that people will sit there and judge someone for their illness and not try to understand what they are going through or get to know them.

I have had other people say that they think people with a mental illness are dangerous or violet to the public. These people are not violet nor dangerous to the public in most cases and should not be seen like that. One big one is that people judge what the person looks like to determine if they are dangerous or not. It does not matter what they look like, it matters what is in the inside and getting to know that person. Another thing is that people tend to think that everyone with mental illnesses need to be put on medication. Medication is not always the case and does not fix a problem sometimes. Sometimes that person just needs some counseling or someone to talk to. …show more content…

I was one of those people that did think they were dangerous but now how I think of it is that these people just need that attention and have supportive people in their

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