
Percent Yield Lab Report

Decent Essays

Percent yield is determined by calculating the theoretical and actual masses. The theoretical yield is the expected or maximum amount of product you should see in a reaction8. Ideally, the percent yield should be one hundred. The results of the percent yield calculations are indicated in Table 5. For the two detergents, the percent yields were lower than one hundred. This could have occurred because of many different errors during the experiment. One of those errors could have been that some of the product might have been left behind in a beaker when it was transferred over into the vacuum filtration considering the fact that the product was a paste and therefore stuck to the beaker. Another error could have occurred during the vacuum filtration. Some of the extremely small particles could have managed to pass through the filter paper therefore causing the overall products final mass to decrease. The percent yield for the soap made from olive oil was extremely large and abnormal. This could have occurred due to the presence of impurities9. The product could have still contained some of the solvent because it might not have become a homogenous mixture. Also, the solution could have become contaminated by other components therefore increasing the mass. Some of these …show more content…

Hard water is a mixture of water with other minerals. Those other minerals typically include calcium, iron, and magnesium. The scum is formed because the calcium ions bind to the negatively charged ends of the soap. This interaction creates a precipitate which will no longer be soluble in water. A way to deal with soap scum is to soften the hard water. This can be done by removing the calcium and magnesium. This process is typically known as ion exchange. During ion exchange, a polymer bed is used in order to attract the calcium and magnesium. This attraction has to be stronger than their attraction to the

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