
Perfection And Obsession In The Birthmark By Nathaniel Hawthorne

Decent Essays

In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark” published in The Pioneer, the themes of science, perfection, and obsession are examined within the text. “The Birthmark” is the dark romantic short story about Aylmer and his wife Georgiana. Aylmer is a brilliant scientist and philosopher who dropped his focus from his career and experiments to marry the most beautiful women in their town, Georgiana. Even though Georgiana is the most beautiful, she does not lack flaws. She has a tiny birthmark in the shape of a hand on her cheek that Aylmer becomes unnaturally obsessed with. Aylmer loves his wife but he also has a deep passion for science which in turn causes controversy between the two. As time goes on Aylmer grows more and more obsessive towards the …show more content…

No one is perfect, no one can be perfect. This story written long ago is an early version of our preoccupation with flawlessness. Aylmer grows more and more haunted by this simple imperfection on a rather perfect face. He is hung up on the scientific thrill of removing the mark in which would make him god-like and above Nature. This is one reason why Georgiana dies after achieving perfection because nothing, no one, or anything can beat Nature. Aylmer really didn’t even have Georgiana’s best interest in mind making this almost a complete guide on how to kill your wife and get away with it. Aylmer obsesses over this mark and it takes over his whole perception of his wife. We see obsession for perfection in men most commonly because they are never satisfied and always always wanting more. No longer does he see the beautiful women he loved and married. Now he only sees the tiny imperfection that haunts his mind. His obsession drives him to great lengths to remove the simple imperfection which ultimately leads to the destruction of what he loved as well as a failure to science. In fact his obsession with removing the mark eradicated the only thing in his life that was anything close to

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