
Perfection In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Birthmark

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Is it foolish to try to achieve perfection? if it not, could it means you have change to try to be perfect In ¨The Birthmark¨ Nathaniel Hawthorne believes it is foolish to strive for perfection. In the story ¨The Birthmark¨ the main character Aylmer think a lot his wife but he see one flaw that starts to drive him crazy.It made his wife think it was a bad thing. This makes him see one flaw with her and he does not see the rest of her.Aylmer is basically wasting his time not even enjoying the time he has with Georgiana.Aylmer just went crazy about that one flaw, he wanted her to be perfect, this is why it foolish to try to be perfect because if you try to be you will never be perfect until you basically die.When you are trying to be perfect …show more content…

Georgiana could have an entire different look on this if she did not have Aylmer’s opinion on her birthmark. It could have stayed as a good luck charm, but Aylmer’s opinion made Georgiana look on her birthmark different.I’ve said this a lot but you are never perfect until you die.This is the reason why it is foolish to strive for perfection because you never know someone opinion on how you look or anything you do.Opinion has a lot of to do with perfection in the text Aminadab said “If she were my wife, I’d never part with that birthmark.” Right there in the text Aminadab had a different opinion on the birthmark in Aylmer did he, if she was married to Aminadab he would have told her to keep the birthmark.Georgiana paid the ultimate price at the end because when Aylmer removed that one flawed she died. That birthmark was the only thing keeping her soul bound to her body and when it faded away she died.Aylmer opinion caused her to die because he could not see the good in Georgiana.If Georgiana did not die there he would more than likely found another flaw that she had because it an opinion if she would just not listen to Aylmer, he would most likely got over it and figure out a way to live with it.This is the reason why it is foolish to be perfect because you could pay the ultimate sacrifice at the end and just die over some one opinion on how they look or how they do something

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