
Perishing To Persecute: A Short Story

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Perishing to Persecute The thick musk of burning buildings commands itself into my nostrils, the sounds of incessant screaming floods my ears, further feeding the riveting atmosphere that descends upon me. The Jewish boy from Paris brought this to his own people, such pity, although a civil service, for the world. How pathetic for him to shoot a German ambassador and think and that we as a nation would not avenge such a loss! “SELIK! Come here immediately my boy!”, my unit leader Kuhlbert shouts. I race closer to his screams attempting to seek him out. As I make my way through the now unrecognisable city of Berlin, my gaze becomes fixed on the beauties before me. Blankets of glass, rubbish and ash cover the streets. The fire of dozens of …show more content…

As I draw closer and closer, I notice water beginning to canvas the flames that coax my surrounding, it must be the cockroaches, breaking through our forces, although it is a futile attempt, it just may be the key to my own survival. As the door stands in front of me, I unholster my gun, not knowing what may lie on the other side, thoughts race through my mind, pondering the thought of whether or not I will die. I push against the door, revealing the slaughter of our soldiers, my brothers, lying lifeless, bullets riddled upon their bodies, and the show of cockroaches struggle to save their burning synagogue. I start shooting each of them, my gun relieves each bullet, plunging it into the heads of all these disgusting pests, as my pistol runs empty, it only draws me to using my knife. Just as they flee, running from my rampage, children follow, and the men come with weapons, I manage to snatch one of their children. We stand before each other, I with my knife and them with their guns. We all raise our weapons, mine to the child's throat and theirs steadied upon what seems to be my head, I know this will be my final stand against them, I know what I must do, with each and every one of them watching I raise my knife above the child’s head and with a bat of an eye I drop it, plunging into his stomach, repeatedly. Over and over, blood follows shortly, his body, sliced open, gutted like …show more content…

As the firing stops, my body drops, I lie on the muddy ground, blood pours from my lifeless body, although they stopped me, they will fail in their attempt to retake their cities, they will burn, it is our civil duty to rid the world of their

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