
Persepolis And Socrates: A Comparative Analysis

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Many texts attempt to define the beliefs of justice, though it is difficult to do because the meaning of justice can take many forms. Within the texts selected for Mosaic I, The Complete Persepolis and The Trials of Socrates depict what I believe to define justice, while the book of Genesis’s beliefs differ. Each individual can hold their own beliefs on justice. While in Genesis justice is defined by obedience to God, Satrapi, Socrates, and I would argue that justice means upholding personal ideals because it is derived through one’s character. This is evidenced by Socrates defense, Marjane’s retaliation to her peers, my life choices, and God’s reaction to human behavior. Satrapi, Socrates and I all have a strong belief that justice is defined …show more content…

I believe that justice is holding true to your own standards of integrity and being able to be happy with yourself. This belief is largely influenced by my religious and educational background. I grew up in a Catholic household and have followed the ideals and rules of that religion for the majority of my life, though recently, my college education has broadened my view on various subjects, such as equality. This has led me to believe that each person should be able to hold their own views so that they can be satisfied with their life. The book of Genesis diverges from Satrapi’s, Socrates’s, and my beliefs. Instead of living a just life on the terms of personal ideals, Genesis depicts justice as abiding the rules of God. During creation, God said he “created man in his image” (Gen. 1:27). Though, when God saw that the humans he created were not living according to his vision for them, he decided to destroy their existence through a forty day flood. He spared Noah and his family’s life because God decided that Noah lived according to the ideals of God, thus representing justice as obeying the ideals of God instead of personal

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