
Personal Experience: Applying for a GLC Scholarship

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In my life, there was always three things certain in my mind. Firstly, family is always first, secondly that your academics allow you to reach new heights and lastly, that one should always help those in need. The Bible tells us that humans are called to "do justice, love, kindness and walk humbly with God." What is justice? There are many forms of justice including the justice pertaining to law and the justice towards others. For me, justice is defined as caring for those who cannot care for themselves and helping those in need. I exercise this definition of justice both in school as well as in my community with the elderly as well as with my classmates. I will continue to use this definition of justice in university in order to better myself and those around me.

My definition of justice is expressed through my actions with the elderly in my community. I believe that one should be help those who are unable to help themselves. I was raised with this mentality from a young age and so I express it through my care of the elderly. Although it isn't an official organization through which I "do justice" but I help my community nonetheless. Every Friday, I pack a small bag of my necessities in order to care an elderly man throughout the weekend until Sunday afternoon with my mother. While she cares for him by bathing him and changing his clothes, I do other chores that he is unable to do by himself too. I wash the dishes, prepare his pills for the morning, afternoon and before

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