
Personal Essay: Fear In Baseball

Decent Essays

Title of My Essay
The first time I ever experienced fear was when Ii had my first baseball tryout. making this team would mean the world to me I feared not making the team to where I didn't want to tryout anymore the amount of fear I had got worse the closer it came to tryout day. It had become a week until it was tryout day I couldn't sleep at night and my father was starting to wonder what I was doing.
It had became a day closer and the amount of fear that is going through my head is ridiculous it is the worst it had ever been. Honestly the amount of fear that I have i'm debating on even going to the tryout. If I don't go I am going to blow a perfect opportunity to play for a really good team. If I don't go I will let everyone in my family down. So there is no reason for me not to go but the fear that I have in me is not letting me go. …show more content…

The day had finally came and I don't even want to think about baseball or getting out of bed. It is 10:00am and the tryout is at 3:30pm and my dad yells upstairs and tells me it's time to get up and get my mind right. I yell down downstairs and tell him that i'm not sure if I want to go anymore. He came upstairs and gave me a lecture on how much he spent on baseball equipment. As I lay down I think that there is no way I am getting out of not going to this tryout. So I have made the decision to go because I told myself that there is no other

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