
Personal Essay: Moving To The US

Decent Essays

Arnie Dungo picks me up in his giant gleaming silver truck and I’m greeted by my 4-month old puppy. I say hello and I give my dog, Balloo, a few pats on the head before shoving him into the back seat. He offers to take me to Nuka for dinner so I brought up the subject of my upcoming essay. My dad agrees to let me interview him but I could tell he was reluctant. After seeing the look on his face when i brought up the subject, I knew it was a time that he was not too fond of. My dad never talked about his experiences in college so for a lot of my childhood, I was unaware that he had even gone.
My dad moved to the United States from the Philippines when he was in preschool. His first year in the US was in kindergarden and because he didn't speak English at the time, he ended up failing the easiest grade there is. Kindergarten. He grew up in New Jersey with a big family, and of course, he was the youngest. Soon he learned English and met new people and it turned out okay. My dad had a lot of freedom as a child. If i'm being honest he was one of those kids that if you saw in school, you would walk the other way. He and his group of rambunctious friends caused havoc in …show more content…

Also on top of that, all the grants that he applied for, fell through and he was paying for his entire college education out-of-pocket. He says that this was a very stressful time in his life. He was either working or studying 24/7. My dad explains his college experience as not the ordinary “party and have fun with friends” he says that his college life was very difficult and even the opposite of that. A lot of the people he went to college with thought he was “odd” and he mostly spent his time off “being an

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