
Personal Essay : My Love For The Game Of Basketball

Decent Essays

The sight and sound of watching the basketball swish through the net are second to none. For this reason and much more, I have fallen in love with the game of basketball and all the sport has to offer. From an extremely young age until now I have played the game and I hope to be either playing or involved with the game as long as I live. I have tried many other sports including soccer, football, and lacrosse but none can compare to the pleasure and passion that I have for basketball. This has become more than a sport for me, it has become a passion and something that I have dedicated my time, energy and hard work into. My love for the game all started in preschool when my brother hung a mini hoop from the back of the door in our playroom. Soon after I began shooting on that hoop non-stop, attempting to perfect my jump shot. Once kindergarten came around my mom signed me up for the basketball program at my school. I loved playing the game and doing it with my friends made it all the better. I remember one game I scored a basket as the buzzer sounded to end the game and that was the first time I can remember feeling true excitement and joy from the game of basketball. Over the next few years, I continued to play basketball just in the winter for the program my school offered, improving my game and enjoying myself more and more. A big leap for me came in 3rd grade when I received a brand new basketball hoop for Christmas. Unfortunately on Christmas Eve that year I had

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