
Personal Essay: Positive Influences On Personal Identity

Decent Essays

My identity is something that has helped shape not only my personal being but also has influenced those around me. It is something that cannot easily be defined by words but rather it is reflected by my character. Race and ethnicity are prominent issues in today’s society and can be negative or positive influences on an individual’s self-esteem and identity. Due to government structures, socialization, and experience one develops a sense of belonging (or not) and this creates one’s identity. My identity successes and challenges have given me opportunities to defy society’s standards and allowed me to decide who I am as an individual. With this, I have also become more open-minded and sensitive to other cultures and ethnicities. Being a young woman of mixed race has its …show more content…

I currently live in a city and attend a high school that is predominately white. In school, it is easy for me to feel grouped with others that have no common interests with me due to the sole fact that our skin looks the same. Most people are surprised when they hear that my dream is to be a doctor and attend a good college. In school, teachers are often shocked when they hear me speak fluently and intelligently. In fact, I often receive the compliment of being “well spoken” after a presentation. In school, I am enrolled in all honors or Advanced Placement courses. Even in this setting, it is still possible for teachers to have an implicit bias due to my race. When in class, I am usually the only black student and this can be difficult and can make it easier for my pupils to assume there are not many intelligent African Americans in society. In addition to my school experiences, something as every day as checking out at the local supermarket can become a place of annoyance. Cashiers often question: “Are you all together?” No matter how obvious, the question is still

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