
Personal Essay: Pulse's Journey

Decent Essays

Pulse Monterey was sitting on a chair at home, using his Retina X45 computer. He is playing a game called Galaxic IV. At that moment, he shouted, “Dangit!” He had just lost level 667 of the Infinity Tower level. After his 10th life lost, he was sent back to Main Menu. Pulse lived on 4598 Fahren St. in Juno City, Planet Cocoon. The year is 2530 AD. At that same time, on the other side of town, Zach Golcie is at the Sapphire Auction House, buying some equipment for hunting. This kid, who is sixteen and a half, likes to do a lot of things Pulse does, such as video games, hunt, and even cook! He also lives on 4639 Fahren St. This kid makes a very delicious stew, and makes a mean comeback to any insult. He had just gotten a good deal on a tempered …show more content…

He yelled at his men to form a pack of 25 snipers and 25 H.E.X. Soldiers. They quickly formed an assault team worthy of The Pope himself!
As they were traveling to the crime scene, the robber was hiding in the sewers. He made out with ten thousand Jaxbit and thirty pounds of miniature Hexaglass. A hard day’s work has paid off for him. Hexaglass is glass panes that can manipulate vision to make the outside look like anything. It is very expensive. Six hundred Jaxbit per pound. At the time, he heard noises of a H.E.X. vehicle, so he started to move faster through the sewers.

Back in Juno of, Pulse was just eating a dinner of meatloaf and potatoes when his friend, Zach, burst through the door and said, “DUDE! There was a cool crossbow I wanted to show you! I just got it at the auction house!” Pulse replied, “Ok, but I’ll have to get back soon, I didn’t finish dinner.” He quickly followed Zach out the door and through what looked like to him, an abandoned maintenance shed out in the Riverside Woods. Pulse hadn’t been out here since he was seven years old and was exploring with his old baseball bat, ready to strike the three bullies chasing him. That was when he had got into real trouble with his parents for knocking one out by hitting him square in the face fifteen feet across the pond. That bat was made of aluminum bronze, so that bully got …show more content…

“Oh jeez, man. Sorry, just thinking about a lot of stuff right now.” Zach carelessly said, “Yeah, yeah, let’s get it on!” He took out his tempered plasma crossbow and loaded it with one hundred volt taser ammo. “You ready?” “Yeah…” At that moment, right on schedule as Zach said, a hunter appeared in a clearing near them. Zach fired the bolt so it whistled through the air and stabbed the hunter straight in the esophagus and knocking him to the ground. Zach weakly stated, “Whoops… I meant to hit his gun…DERP!! But we’d better leave before someone sees

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