
Personal Essay : Success And Success In High School Life

Decent Essays

As people grow up they face a multitude of challenges, such as saying first words and learning to ride a bike. One of the most challenging times in someone’s life is going through high school. Students in high school face feelings of confusion and anxiety as they develop academically, mentally, and physically. Although it may seem impossible, one can survive high school in a positive and successful way. The three steps to a successful high school career are having motivation to work hard, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and remembering to enjoy these new and exciting years. A rewarding high school experience requires the motivation to work hard, which begins by becoming organized. Start by writing down important assignments and test dates in an agenda. Prioritize assignments to manage the workload and hit those deadlines. A third suggestion for staying organized is to keep backpacks and lockers clean and accessible, so homework and books are not easily lost. A problem among many students is procrastination, but learning not to procrastinate when it comes to school work is imperative. Refraining from this bad habit will better school work both in high school and college. Students must put forth the most effort possible into their school work because the grades they receive on those assignments are crucial. Final grades are averaged and the number received on a 4.0 scale represents grade point average. The higher a GPA is the more opportunities one will have both

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