
Personal Experience: A Bilingual Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Having lived comfortably in my hometown Vietnam for 18 years, I had to start everything from the beginning when I came here a few years ago. As an immigrant, I realized linguistic difference was one of the most significant educational barriers that I faced. Although I had studied English before, I still could not speak English fluently. Essentially, in Vietnam the teachers lectured mostly on grammar, and people there did not speak English frequently. Therefore, I barely had a chance to practice my English communication. There were the times when I could not answer any basic questions of native speakers. I felt horrible about myself at that time, but later I told myself not to live in this situation anymore. A few weeks after coming here, I registered to study ESL at an adult school near downtown Sacramento. There were many students coming from different countries whose English was not their first language, so …show more content…

After one year studying ESL, I started taking classes in college, and my English skills progressed significantly. I made contact with native speakers more often. Whenever they talked to me, I tried to remember and imitate their sayings in my mind multiple times. In addition, I also took many general education classes that required lots of reading to increase my vocabulary. Likewise, I fell into a habit of watching TV News almost every night. News reporters clearly gave me a chance to hear what they said correctly. This was the great practice for me since I did not have to ask native speakers to repeat themselves next time. In general, taking classes at community college was a great opportunity for me. I put myself in an all English speaking environment where I could not speak any other language but English; therefore, I improved my English skills noticeably. Presently, I surrounded myself in English every day, thus linguistic difference was probably not the educational barrier for me

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