
Personal Experience: The Soldier In The Vietnam War

Decent Essays

The Disaster

It was August,6 7:45 am 1945 in Hiroshima, Japan. Logan is walking around town. It is a normal August day (at least he thinks). While he is walking he sees some soldiers strolling around town on patrol. It’s 8:10 now he looks up into the crystal blue sky. He sees a plane he has never seen it before. The soldiers that were walking by looked up too and yelled RUN! Logan looks up again something drops from the plane.

It's 8:15 now he is running with the soldiers then he looks down. His shoelace came undone so in the emergency that this was he tied his shoe. When he finished he could not see anyone so he ran in the same direction the were going. Then he comes across a split in the trail does he go left or right. One would lead him …show more content…

He breaks from the rubble. He walked around looking around him there was nothing. He walked to the split in the trail but this time he went right. He didn't walk down far till he found the soldiers he was running with. There clothes were melted to their skin they are hardly recognizable. If it wasn't for his shoelaces to be untied he would not be here right now. It’s 9:00 AM now logan is freaking out that he's a gorilla. what he doesn't know is the knife is still there, as he finds out that the knife is still there he instantly yanks it out! Almost immediately after he became a human again, he plunged the knife back into his wound, the instant it touched his flesh he transformed into a 7 foot 1 ton gorilla with the power of a wrecking ball.

As he starts the walk around then he screams in a very high pitch voice because of what just happened and because of his new ability. Soon after the bomb hit people started to come help the people who were affected. Logan meets some people. One of them is named Tayha and the other is Josh. Logan told Tayha and Josh about what happened to him. Suddenly Tayha had an idea
“We should try to help people”
“Ya I think that is a good idea“ Logan replied
They go off to help

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