
Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

Summer is one of my favorite times of year. To most kids, summer means no school, vacation, swimming, being outdoors, and sleeping late. My family was not able to go on an actual vacation this year, but we enjoyed doing other fun activities. While most of my summer was very busy, it slowed down later on, and I enjoyed a lot of time at home with my family.
May was very busy. When I looked back at the calendar, almost every day had something written on it! I had some schoolwork to finish, a few end of the year activities, and friends’ graduations to attend. On May 8, my home school group led chapel with Bro. John Crocker at Whitesburg Christian Academy. Bro. John spoke to the students, and we did puppets and skits. I spent much of my time preparing for a piano recital. My siblings and I all played in it. I played two songs and a duet with my little sister. During the last week of May, I went with my family to a Family Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. We enjoyed a week of wonderful Christian teaching, fellowship, and meeting other families from all over the country. …show more content…

It was very helpful. On June 13, I went to our karate belt testing. My dad and I were both judges, and we watched my siblings earn new belts. They are getting close to earning their black belt. On June 17 through 20, I went with my dad and brother to Middle School Camp as a counselor. We did fun activities during the day, and in the evenings we had a worship service and game time. I loved the experience of being able to mentor, learn, and have fun all at the same time. Later in the month, my family and I travelled to Mississippi and Louisiana to visit family. We brought my grandpa back with us to stay for a

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