
Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

One sunny August afternoon 5 years ago I made a brash decision that I regret to this very day. A choice I look back to this very day and question: “Why in the world did I do this?” Me and the other kids on the summer camp field trip were fresh off a delightful buffet. My peers were excited to tackle the next challenge that Cedar Point threw at their stomachs. Their hunger for food had been replaced by their hunger for a thrill. I, on the other hand, despised the mechanical rides of adrenaline that surrounded me in the park. We were strolling our way along the park, cracking jokes and doing the general chatter that bored middle schoolers do. Suddenly, the conversation cuts to how I haven't rode on any of the roller coasters yet. One of my classmates chimed in and suggested that they would stop bothering me for skipping every ride if I accepted their dare to go …show more content…

I foolishly agreed, hoping that the aftermath of the dare would provide me a break from the constant nagging of my peers. The moment the safety clamps entrapped me in my seat, I knew that I had screwed up. My gut screamed at me to claw my way out, to escape the Raptor’s claws of death. Alias, the honorable side in me didn’t want to prove to my friends that I was a wuss. The Raptor started its slow ascent up the chain hill, my body started to shiver as it was chilled to the bone by the fear and altitude of the ride. The slow crrrrrr-crrrrrrr-creeeeeeeeeeeeeak sound of the mechanical monster made my stomach do more twists and corkscrews than the ride itself had. I braced myself for the inevitable drop, my eyes closed shut, my body hunkering down the food it just ingested. But even that wasn't enough to keep myself together when the ride actually started.

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