
Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

I was just an ordinary teenager, living in an ordinary town, doing ordinary things. Nothing bizarre or crazy ever happened, other than the occasional robbery and the like. Everyone I know is nice, including myself. I was a level headed girl, believing that things were only true if there was some scientific backing. We just recently moved into a nice, big house, about a year before the incident, so I had felt pretty comfortable inside. I didn’t think that anything could happen to me if I was inside it. Of course, our house is very old, some kids joking that it’s prehistoric. There were the random noises and creaks; however, sometimes doors would slowly open and things got misplaced, but no one ever thought that it was anything. BBRRIINNGG! I had always woken up at five in the morning to the irritating sound of my ancient alarm clock. Five is an extremely early time to wake up, but I was used to it. This time, however, it seemed much earlier. I hadn’t stayed up late or woken up at all during the night. I pressed the snooze button on the alarm, but it didn’t stop. I took the batteries out, but alarm still rung. I then put my glasses on and saw that it was almost three. I had never set an alarm for it, and I …show more content…

I wanted to scream and run. I wanted out of there, no matter what I had to do. I knew that running out of the room would make me look psychopath, and so would screaming my head off. Suddenly, the room felt different. It almost seemed… lighter. Like the air had been changed. I could talk and move now that I wasn’t paralyzed with crippling fear. There was the same blue-black shadow in the middle of the room that I had saw the first time anything happened. The more I looked at it, the more I could see certain features, like a small, pointy nose and large eyes. It was a young adult, probably about twenty-five. She was wearing a long, flowy dress with an apron over it. My heart fluttered. I felt an immense feeling of

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