
Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

From my family’s moves when I was young, I was accustomed to standing apart from kids my age, while wanting to make friends. I did not know how to make that happen. I always had a good imagination. I had an imaginary friend as a child. As my torment in school developed, I had expanded to create an imaginary world to live and to be accepted.
At twelve, I started lucid dreaming to counter to my involuntary ‘normal.’ I had a precursory dream when I was in middle school that made me take note of my dreams, where, I recognized that I could create and revisit a dream world of my choosing. On this night, I had a ‘walking dream,’ as I dreamt of being awake. As a boy who was ignored by classmates, I felt as I was being watched for opportunities by …show more content…

I had a fascination for the cinema, for which I could do alone. At times, I tried to get others interested, but I was no more successful at that than any other activity. Tucked away in a darkened theater or alone in front of a television screen, I was safe. I remember when I was twelve; I went to the Coronado Theater to see Freaky Friday with Jodie Foster. A movie was being shown on a continuous loop, with cartoons played before the show. I stayed to watch the movie three times. During the third showing, I became worried that I might have been recognized from the last showing and left the …show more content…

We were singing the Neil Diamond song, “Song Sung Blue.” Standing in a choir robe, I was a little carried away, because I swayed a little as I sang. This seemed to be taboo. Moreover, since I could not just stand there like a statue as I sang, I was reprimanded. I had the choice of being punished for not standing still or drop choir and take the art class-taking place during the same period. I do not remember why I wanted to take a choir class in the first place. I went to solitary projects, making perspective drawings and re-imagined album covers for the Bay City Rollers.
My respite was the activities outside of school. During the summers, my family visited relatives in Iowa and Southern Minnesota; otherwise, we were camping. It was the time of the year where I got real quality time with my father. Despite that, it was enjoyable, spending my summers with my family, it added to my timidity with peers. My parents were from large families. My father being the oldest of eight and my mother was the second youngest of seven. All of our summer activities were as a

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