
Personal Narrative: A Career In Education

Decent Essays

I vividly remember my first day as a first year teacher. I was the youngest teacher in the hallway full of high school students, who overlooked me, and teachers who thought I was a student. It was a year of growth, frustration and thoughts that lead me to pursue a career in nursing.

I had partially completed the first year of nursing, when I started working at a middle school as a 7th grade permanent substitute math teacher, while continuing my nursing class at night. These students hadn’t had a stable teacher since before November, as it showed in their recent practice test scores. I was so angry, that they weren’t given the opportunity to grow in Math, while being passed around to multiple substitutes. I came in as a big storm that motivated and expected them to give their all. The first couple of weeks were a big adjustment from high school! I pushed them to perform on TCAP, while they pushed me to the same on my Nursing Finals. The semester was …show more content…

I spent the summer wondering which career would bring out my true passion and love; I chose teaching. It was not about the money, but about providing my students with the opportunities and knowledge to grow and be whatever they dreamed. It is gratifying to see student’s smile about understanding the content and asking questions.

In August, I chose to teach, to see smiling faces, and educate these remarkable students! It was the best decision that I could’ve made! This was my first full year of teaching middle school and it was amazing. The most amazing moment was when my students received their scores from TCAP testing to hear their enthusiasm and describe how they grew was very rewarding. It was knowing that I was a level 5 teacher with the highest scores in the building that validated my career as a

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