
Personal Narrative: A Career In The Medical Field

Decent Essays

As I exit the locker room, I strap on my black cleats and tighten my gloves. I grab my silver helmet with the lightning bolt logo, touch the sign that says “Play Like A Champion Today,” and walk into the tunnel. Finally, we hear our team’s name, and we run onto the field ready to defeat the fear of losing embedded in our minds. The opportunity arose, and whether we seized it or not, this would be my last game. We took away from that day more than just a win, or a loss. As somber as I was to let this moment go, I knew I had not let my team down. There was no anguish, no agony. These lessons from football have carried over in my journey to become a physician. I knew I wanted a career in healthcare, and football has better prepared me for that. …show more content…

People insist that they want to make the world a better place, but are they willing to invest the time and effort necessary in doing so? Like all things worth having, a medical career requires determination, motivation, and hours spent becoming an expert in the field. After all, patients presume that we will be excellent at what we do, even if we must battle through the chaos, frustrations, and potential complications to do so. Being a doctor says a great deal about who you are, and also the person that you aspire to be. A doctor has immeasurable qualities. Not everyone is equipped to be a doctor, and not everyone wants to be one. For those of us who do, we put forth a great deal of time and effort to achieve this end. When asked why I want to become a doctor, the answer is easy. I want to become a doctor to help people, but my reasoning runs deeper. When I take the time to reflect, I know that medicine has always been the right choice for

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