
Personal Narrative: A Life Changing Experience Of Moving Up

Decent Essays

Moving up
As the doctors injected the needle, I knew there was no turning back. She had already suffered enough pain, and they said it was too much for her to handle, but I didn’t believe an ounce of it, there was still hope. The pulse monitor slowly decreased its rate, and I couldn't do but a thing other than grabbing onto the life that was left in her. As I squeezed her hand, the amount of pressure I put was returned; I watch as her life dissipates from her once beautiful body. My mother’s death was a life-changing experience for me at the age of 13, and I knew I had to become a man and step up as a young child growing up. I was faced with daunting new responsibilities, memorable experiences, and ongoing maturity.
Growing up as a child I never really realized how privileged I actually was until my mother had passed. My mom carried a lot of responsibility in the role she partook as a mother like cooking, cleaning, paying bills, buying food, clothing, entertainment, and the list goes on and on. Now that she is no longer with us, someone had to step up to keep the home running. My dad was the one to do that; he managed to handle everything by himself, and he insisted that I learn how to do them too; so I took up on several abilities that a child at that age usually wouldn’t be doing; for example, paying bills, cooking, yard work, …show more content…

My dad having to be the only driver in the house all the time is not easy on him, so when I was able to pick my license recently, it took a great deal of stress off of his back, especially when he had to pick up my sister every day after her track practice. Not to mention the euphoric feeling I experienced when I drove by myself for the very first time, and earned my first set of money by cutting

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