
Personal Narrative: A Small Town That Changed My Life

Decent Essays

On July 4th, 1998 I was born in the small town of Endicott, New York. As many have said before, “I live in a small town that everyone claims to hate, yet, they never seem to leave.” Thankfully, I was one of the smart ones who left. When people ask where I am from, I tell them I’m from the city of Binghamton because almost nobody has ever heard of Endicott. Still, most have no idea where I am talking about.
I guess you could say I’ve had a fairly normal life. I have three siblings, lots of pets, and two parents. Although, unlike most children, I attended a Catholic school up until third grade. After failing virtually all my religion tests, my parents decided to switch my sister and I to public schools. When I was around seven or eight, I joined …show more content…

Things were difficult at home with my parents getting divorced, so I started spending more time with the family I babysat for. Eventually, I ended up spending most of my time with them and before I knew it I was practically their nanny. This continued until about ninth grade when the family decided to move to Texas. In need of money, and something to do, I started working as a cashier at Wegmans. I spent the next two years of my life dreading my shifts every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. In the meantime, when I was in eleventh grade, I met my boyfriend of two years in our AP Physics class. The class was hell, but I am glad I met Zach and grateful for the time we have spent together. In addition, I was offered the opportunity of a lifetime. My school offers an Italian Exchange Program which involves traveling to Italy, as well as hosting an Italian student, here in America. I decided to put my 7 years of Italian classes to use and signed up for the trip. In March of 2015, I left home to spend three weeks in one of the most beautiful places I’ll probably ever see. The next year my host student, Eliana, arrived at my house to spend the next three weeks with me. The good news is, by that time, I had moved to another section of Endicott known as “Little Italy”. So at least I was able to offer her some food comparable to the amazing food I was fed in Italy. This experience changed my life forever and I will never forget about the memories I

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