
Personal Narrative: A Step-Parent's Suicide

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About fifteen years ago on a beautiful Saturday a devastating death occurred. My Aunt had walked in to a room after my Uncle had committed suicide. My two cousins were heartbroken that their new step-dad had killed himself after living with them for only two years. Although depressed with the weight of her late-husband happened to make the situation better. She began to apply and send both of her children to a Christian School in Wisconsin where they live. If my Aunt had not sent her children to a Christian School, I would not be at Faith today.
Fast-forward eleven years, my sister came home crying after another awful day at a mediocre public school. She quietly asked my mother, “Can you please look for another option of a school to attend?” …show more content…

She told my mom how amazing the experience was and how now her kids are both attending Christian colleges. After months of searching, my mom had narrowed down two options for my sister to attend, one Faith and the other homeschooling.
After months of waiting for a call of acceptance from Faith the phone rang in June. A lady on the other line began to talk, “We are very sorry to inform you, but there is no room in the soar program for 9th grade.”
My mother upset replied, “Please let us know if any spots open up in the soar program before school begins.” My sister was completely destroyed that she would be attending Keller High School in the fall, but little did she know that was not in God’s plan.
In late July the phone rang again. The same lady who had informed us that no spots were open called again, she began to talk, “One girl who is in the soar program has decided to homeschool this year; therefore, a spot has opened.” My mom began to cry when she heard the news that Lauren was accepted. I had been accepted in March, but I was not going to attend a school that my sister was not accepted

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