I was just called this morning my niece died; one of my VA co-workers found me in restroom crying and the CIO told me to go home. This is the niece that I kept from birth, I am going to work tomorrow and will be there until her funeral. I calling you to let my administrator know. I would like to know what to put down for time today and for the funeral.
I was wandering in the mall recently , aimlessly as some of us do, basically waisting time. In my travels I came across a kiosk that sold various cellphones, chargers, and other accessories. The young man behind the counter asked if I needed any help, I answered as most of us do with a "no, I'm just looking."
I hope you remember me because I was a student in your Summer 2016 Legal Research and Analysis class at University of California, San Diego Extension. If you do not remember me, I was unable to send you a complete final memorandum as a result of being admitted to the hospital the night that the memorandum was due. I was recently let go from my job as a Litigation Paralegal, which I obtained during graduation week. Their only reason was that they needed someone with more experience. Right now I am trying to enroll in my last two courses at UCSD Extension in order to officially complete my ABA-Approved Professional Certificate. When I spoke with Azra Mukanovic, she informed me that Julia Dunlap and herself discussed the situation and agreed
The year was 1943, I had just turned fifty years old a week ago on April 20th, When the Germans came. The Germans built barbed wire fence around the town that I made my living in. We were not allowed to anything and had little space and food. Then came the order, trucks were filled with humans similar to cattle to be sent to internment camps. When the trucks were full the rest were told to remain put for when the trucks came back. Everyday the trucks came and everyday more people left. On the fifth day the ghetto looked like a ghost town. The rest of the residents, including me were loaded onto the trucks. A few people were shot in this process, they were the lucky ones. On the ride I wondered how I got here, then I remembered
I’d had many mini-lifelines thrown my way, none turned out to be the life-altering, ground shaking beneath me, and gates to opening up “heaven”, though. To me, I’d blame it on the different ways I came off to strangers, depends on the day, I could be a multitude of characters, but never latch onto the following of others. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted my lifeline to latch onto, the problem was, I was like a fishing net with a gaping hole--incapable of doing such things. Then, the last person I expected to, stepped up and accepted the challenge.
Well this year was a hell of a year. I mean, i didn't pass any of the semesters but i did observe a ton of stuff that went on in the class. The class in general was pretty lit. Every day went by and i honestly did some work. The class was ready to learn as mrs g was ready to teach. I mean yea we had some days were we didn't want to learn anything and there were also days when mrs g didn't want to teach. But ima be honest, doing the work we did wasn't in my best interest. Most of the projects we did in class i worked on, but at the end i didn't end up liking how i did it so i wouldn't even bother turning anything in. like the obituary we had to write about ourselves. I liked the meaning behind this but honestly i didn't want to work on that because it just brought back memories of my friends that were killed.
am beset {long pause} How long will I let the pain and loss define my life? An enduring struggle of loss and gain A monumental achievement through the tangles of deeds But is left alone with silent words
Sometimes when you go through hardships you feel that you are alone and there is nobody there for you. Recently this past year I lost my grandfather I didn't really understand why it had to happen the way it did it was just a lot for me. When it all happened I just kind of boxed myself in this little corner. I didn't want to do anything I just wanted to be to myself. This really started to affect me in every way I just honestly went into a depression. Loss and Grief can be really depressing for a lot of people especially when it’s someone that you are very close to. I and my grandfather were very close he was somebody that I would see almost every day. For him to be gone where I can no longer be with him was very hard for me. It took me awhile
When I think of the word legacy I think of how I will be remember and what I will leave behind for generations to come. I think of people like Martin Luther King Jr and Gandhi, whose impact changes the lives of many and the world as it was known during that time. I don’t think that my impact will be received on such a big scale like Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, and many other but hopefully I will be able to touch the people who were close to me during my lifetime.
Thinking about what someone would say about you on your obituary at the age of 15 was unusual. But after diving off the road and rolling around like a tumbleweed in a metal monster only to defy death, I laid on my hospital bed pondering the “what ifs”. What if I did die? Would they describe me with the typical characteristics of the young and departed: sweet, loving, caring, with a bright future? Of course turning a blind eye to my quick temper and sharp tongue; it’s rude to speak negatively of the dead. I came to the conclusion that I would be publicly mourned for a time period of about two weeks. My funeral would come and then I would be forgotten slowly as my classmates and extended family readjusted to their lives without me. My memory
My goal is to make the obituary. No, not in the local paper, but on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, because only the most successful and influential do. I know that by attending the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, specifically in the major of consumer economics and finance, the academics will push me one step closer to my goal of becoming a vital part of the financial sector.
One dark, gloomy morning, in the fall of 2016, I faced a situation that I had always feared. Since we lived in Newhope, Arkansas, I thought nothing inadequate could ever happen there. In this particular occurrence, I was completely terrified out of my wits.
I was in the third grade, no worries or fears and little concept of how the world worked. I remember my biggest concern being what was on the menu in the cafeteria or what game we were going to play at recess. I had a wonderful family that I did almost everything with. I lived with my Mom, Dad, and my brother, who was 11 at the time. We were all very close and enjoyed each other's company .
It’s been a long night and everyone was tired. That night I had a nightmare about a dark shape in the bright background. Then, it started to take shape of a human. I got scared and felt like running but I realised that I was stuck to the floor. The darkness of the shape, started to change colour. Into a colour of a person’s skin. It started to look like a person that I knew.
Think about your life, as to how you want to live the rest of your life. If you decide to continue living the same life, no one can stop you nor help you. But if you are sincere to start a new life; you are willing to give all your effort to change into a different person, help is always available. Believe me, you are not beyond help.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I thought, as I inched forward and looked over the side of the plane. I looked over to see my friend who was with me getting ready to jump. Chris had been skydiving before, knew all the basics and would go everyday if he could.