
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

I’ve been called a perfectionist, a procrastinator, a control freak, scatterbrained, a worrywart, and a stress case, not without good reason. I’ve had anxiety issues since I was little, but the growing pressure from middle school to high school really brought out the stress big-time. Throughout elementary school, I received good grades but I acted shy and distracted. I spent lots of time with my nose buried in a book- at home, while shopping, in the car, at other people’s houses, even while crossing the street (which I do not recommend). Fiction, specifically fantasy, was my favorite escape. I’d spend hours attending Hogwarts, discovering Narnia, fighting in the Hunger Games, exploring Fablehaven, and taking on Greek mythological monsters. It was just so much easier and more fun to deal with fictional problems than face reality. …show more content…

I got emotionally invested in the characters and their stories. This made me better able to empathize with others, and try to see things from different perspectives. Middle school was a rough, but I still tried to be nice to everyone, even if it awarded me the label of “goody-two-shoes.” I realized that the world could be a pretty dark place and sometimes I felt like I was drowning in all the negativity around me. But I saw that being open-minded and compassionate were extremely important and underrated qualities. I joined Model United Nations and overcame my shyness by speaking in front of people about world issues. Traveling to places like Sweden, Scotland, France, and England also opened my eyes to a world of possibilities. I saw that there was so much more out there besides the small bubble I lived in. It was one one thing to read about a bigger world, and quite another to actually witness it in

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