
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

By my mid-20’s, my life seemed ideal from the outside looking in. I had established a very successful marketing career and was marching up the proverbial ladder, obtaining one fancy job title after another without a college degree. I had a nice home, paid cash for my car, and made more money than most in my family ever had before. I attended all the most sought after social events and knew all the right people. In many ways, I even believed the facade, but the reality behind the scenes was very different. My childhood was atypical. My mom decided to go to college when I was five years old, and completed her master’s degree by the time I was eleven. My brothers and I spent so much time at the university that one professor often joked we should …show more content…

None inspired the necessary passion so I dropped out of school altogether. Immediately, I was filled with a sense of worthlessness. In addition, my inability to overcome abandonment by my father who chose a life of drugs over his children, I allowed many abusive relationships into my life in attempt to fill the yearning to be whole. And finally, knowing what it was like to be poor after my my mom was left to raise three kids on her own, I made money the center of my life. In a feeble attempt to escape the shame, disgust, and contempt I felt for who I had become, I developed the biggest secret of all. I drank until the point of blacking out most nights for almost an entire decade. The truth is the emptiness tormenting me at my core could not be filled by any amount of ambition, accolades, or alcohol. Only the Truth could save me, but I didn’t even know there was a Truth to be discovered. When I was 24 years old, my best friend died suddenly in his sleep. I was reeling from the pain of this loss. The need to know what happens to a person after death consumed me. I obsessively read books on the topic and asked everyone in my reach to share their opinion on spirituality and the …show more content…

To me, fathers were people who left you, hurt you, and were completely unreliable. So I prayed vastly, timidly, even cautiously, to the universe with the real hope in my heart that whatever was true would find me. I passionately wanted to know God and pursued Him with all my might. I begged Him to answer me with the truth of where my best friend was. I needed to confirm my suspicions that there was something out there that mattered more than living, dying, and turning into dust. His response took me much further than my quest on the afterlife, resonated through my whole soul, and changed me in a way that I still struggle to put into words: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” - John 3:16 With that verse, Jesus answered me with love, compassion and a healing touch. I felt true happiness and began to value myself for the first time. Perhaps most importantly for the purposes of my time at Colorado Christian University, He blessed me with an enormous appetite for His Word. This helped me understand and establish my academic and educational goals based on His plan for my

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