
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

Growing up, my parents were my environment. They made sure I made good decisions and tried my best, just as parents are supposed to do. Even though my mother taught me many important lessons, I’d have to say that my father showed me how to handle fear, and that has been the lesson that has shaped me the most in my life. One day when I was about eight years old, my dad asked me to climb a ladder that was up against our two-story house. When I got to the top, he told me to step off onto the roof so I could clean out a gutter. Once I was off the ladder, he took it away! I started crying, “Daddy! Put the ladder back! I’m scared!” I could see how far the ground was from where I was standing and it made me dizzy. “Don’t worry,” he said, “just take a deep breath and calm down.” I tried to do what he told me, but it took a while because I was so frightened that I was shaking. After about ten minutes, I wasn’t dizzy anymore. My dad told me to look around and check out the view. I could see the whole neighborhood—all the way to the main road! “See?” my dad said. “When you stop yourself from being scared you can see all of the advantages in …show more content…

I interviewed for a whole year and didn’t get a job. I went to a job fair and met some principals who had traveled 2000 miles from Weslaco, Texas to find teachers for their schools. They offered me a job on the spot, and I was excited, but I was afraid to move so far away from home by myself. Then I remembered the lesson my dad taught me: Stop yourself from being scared and you will be able to see the situation more clearly. I decided that I would push past my fears and try living in south Texas. Twenty-five years later, I’m still teaching here and my life has been lifted to something I never expected. I get to come to work every day and spend time with my awesome students-- all because I wasn’t afraid to take a chance on my

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