
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

When I fractured my wrist, I worked my way every day through getting back to normal and working at the best of my abilities. Through the multiple doctor appointments and the discomfort of my bulky cast, I found out that surgery was necessary so that I could have normal function of my dominant hand. After surgery, I spent every night practicing writing with my left hand to complete my assignments while I battled the sedative effects of my pain medication and tried to be an active presence of my classes. During the first semester of my sophomore year, I traded the classroom for doctor appointments and rehabilitation sessions making academic development difficult. I persisted the best I could with the support from my residential college family …show more content…

I grew up with a stutter. I wished I had embraced my speech impediment and allowed myself to promote the ways in which I am able to communicate effectively with people instead of dwelling on the difficulty I had in my speech. It was tough for me to speak in front of people throughout grade school, as I would try to get all my words out as clearly as possible even though it was difficult for me to do so. Instead of embracing my slight fallibility, I was ashamed and did not want to acknowledge that I had an impediment. I spoke little in public. As I progressed through high school and the early years of college, I made an effort to improve my speech by forcing myself to take advantage of speaking opportunities. Even as my speech improved, it was still uncomfortable for me to admit that I had an impediment. It was not until my junior year of college that I realized I could use my other refined capabilities in communications in order to connect with people. In lieu of my speaking, I capitalized on my written communication skills and it showed through creating health education materials, assisting show production at CNN, developing a communication for development media initiative in the Solomon Islands, and now currently as the Editor-in-Chief of the Yale Undergraduate Journal of Public Health. Consistent development in my writing ability allowed me to develop the confidence upon improving my

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