
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

My school year was coming to an end, with only around one month left in the fifth grade. Next year, we would be sixth graders, the oldest in the school, going on the overnight field trips, having the best teachers, and our own graduation ceremony. This was the topic that all my friends were talking about in the Cheshire Elementary school. I looked down in my planner, grabbed my bright pink highlighter, and crossed out just another day until summer. Then flipped through the pages of the calendar, and counted, less then one month until my favorite time of the year! When I got off the bus, I noticed my dad’s car in the driveway, again. He had been working from home for the past couple of days after his office got moved from an hour away, all …show more content…

I was confused, but that was soon overpowered by how excited I was.We never had family meetings, so, I thought that whatever we were going to talk about would be fun news, such as vacation, or plan that we were making. Instead, I only heard the three worst words that could have been said, “We are moving,”. A million things were going through my mind at once, where, when, why, what about my friends, I don't want to. No one made a noise at first, my brother, sister, and I all sat there silent, in shock. I looked down onto the soft beige couch, because I couldn’t let my family see the warm tears rolling down my face. “No, I don’t want to.” said my six year old brother. He was only in first grade, so moving to a new school would barley affect him. In that moment I was only thinking about myself, I was going to lose all my friends, sports teams that I had been with for years, even something like my room. My dad explained to us that we had to move closer to his work, the drive was becoming to far for him, and it would make things easier. At this point I couldn’t hold my feelings in any longer, my life had just changed completely in just one …show more content…

I was heartbroken, angry, and terrified for what was to come. And it felt like I wasn’t even going to be able to enjoy my last couple weeks in my house, at my school, and with all my best friends. But that time flew by and before I knew it, the last day of school was here. I held back my tears as I left the school for for the last time. I wasn’t going to any after school pool parties, or to my friends houses, instead, I was leaving my home. Walking through the front door after the bus dropped me off was different, every wall was stacked with large cardboard boxes, not a piece of furniture in sight. Moving men walked in and out of the house, as I tried to stay out of their way. The next thing on my families schedule was to live with my grandparents for a week until our new house was ready. The following seven days went by, we swam in the pool, got ice cream too many times, and got in a summer mood. While our new house was having trees cut down, landscaping done, and parts of the inside remodeled. As I tried to look at the bright sides of things, I realized that our new house was bigger, I was going to start a soccer training soon, but it also made me miss things like our pool, and neighborhood parties. I had realized that it was hard to go through a sudden change so fast, and it was going to take time to get used

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