
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

Most women will say that nothing compares to the amazing feeling of carrying a child for nine months. Some women would say that besides the sickness they had the perfect pregnancy. That's not the case for me. I was extremely depressed during my pregnancy. The goal was never to work two jobs eight months pregnant by a man who hated an unborn baby. Everything was telling me not to have this baby, but somewhere in all the darkness, something told me to go through with it.
It was a normal June day in Atlanta, Georgia. I was working the morning shift at a dollar store and it was time to go on break. I walked outside with my heart beating like it was trying to escape my body. I walked next door and went halfway to the front counter. The thought of running back out entered my mind, I reached for the door then I heard his voice. “What's wrong?” he asked. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. He stared at me for a moment, “Don't tell me you're pregnant.” he said. I knew in that moment that i had started a war. …show more content…

I gave up a lot of unhealthy habits, dangerous things, and reckless people. I decided that if I was a twenty-one-year-old mother, I would be the best one I could or die trying. The closer I got to my due date the farther I got from the baby's father. He wanted to take her from me just because he knew how happy she made me. He never bothered to show up to a doctor's appointment, someone who didn't know how far along I was, or cared enough to ask, but he wanted to take my baby. I would love to say that with time things healed, but this isn't a fairy

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