
Personal Narrative-Assisted Suicide Case Study

Decent Essays

Waiting for my twelfth surgery to begin, the nurse struggled to get the I.V. to work. She had tried numerous times without success and as I cried, a kind woman came in, held my hand, taught me techniques to calm down and helped get me a numbing shot. The nurse suddenly got the I.V. in on her next try! I was in awe of this angelic person whom I have since learned was a Child Life Specialist. I decided right then I wanted to be just like her. One of my most difficult experiences has been going through school with an invisible illness. I was born with Bladder Exstrophy, a rare birth defect where the bladder and associated structures are improperly formed. I’ve had fourteen surgeries to make my life as “normal” as possible. To manage my condition, it requires different techniques to empty my bladder and prevent serious infections. Catheterization is vital for me to survive. If I don’t catheterize in time, my bladder will cause pressure on my abdomen and block my catheter from entering through my mitrofanoff. A mitrofanoff is a continent urinary diversion where my appendix was created into a channel from my abdomen wall into my bladder. Despite catheterizing every two hours to prevent reflux into my kidneys, I’m …show more content…

My love of sports led me to playing soccer, basketball, volleyball and softball. I was on the JV Softball and Basketball teams for two years, and the Varsity Tennis Team for three years. During basketball, my sophomore year, I learned I had a splayed pelvis with a bone missing that supported my back. It was very painful. My spine surgeon encouraged me to quit sports, telling me physical therapy would be difficult, and at best, would only allow me to continue with one sport. I went to physical therapy; it was extremely difficult, but made my back strong enough to play tennis. My senior year I was the Varsity Team Captain and placed fifth on the singles

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