
Personal Narrative: Certified Open Water

Decent Essays

The terrifying possibilities that come with facing one’s greatest fears are often enough to keep one from facing what truly horrifies them but also inspires and intrigues them. Fear can be the anxiety inducing emotion but it can also be the catalyst for one’s greatest achievements. Many of us question whether the decisions and risks we take will result in a grounding breaking idea, or whether the path we’re on will further a future career. Instead of succumbing to fear, it paved the path to help me realize my metier.
As a teenager, my passion for marine biology ran rampant in all parts of my life. I went as far as becoming a certified open water diver to further understand what lay in the depths of the water. However, obtaining the certification wasn’t as simple as putting on a diver’s suit. Gliding through the water, scuba divers make the sport look effortless, however there is a sense of strength, dexterity, and health that is required to be successful. As enthusiastic as I was to gear up in scuba-wear, I was just as afraid as I descended into the cold environment. My body was getting colder and colder. I could feel nothing but …show more content…

Being alert during every situation provides an opportunity to accurately analyze and diagnose the situation providing a clearer understanding. Communicating effectively among peers stresses the importance of building relationships and preventing misinterpretation. When presented with a stressful situation, hitting the panic button seems to be the first instinct than solving the problem. Remaining under control during stressful times let’s you assess your ability and organize a plan of action. Each of these skills are important in relation to scuba diving but are also key elements of being a successful

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