
Personal Narrative-Controlled Chaos

Decent Essays

Controlled Chaos:
Life Through the Eyes of the Impulsive, Energetic, and Quitted

We all have that person in our lives; the person who always seems to be moving, the person who always seems to break the rules, the person who always seems to be doing everything at once. Chances are that that person has the personality traits that match them to the color orange. The color orange is used in many different ways through literature, art, or even cinema. In the bible, the color orange symbolizes deliverance, passionate praise or even the fire of god. I myself tested as an orange when taking a personality test to see what color I would match to. I was surprised to find that people view oranges as thriving on competition, being a natural performer …show more content…

We stayed late at school every night making the play even better than it was the night before with the help of Mr. Nulik. We knew that schools around the country would be shooting for the same goal that we were; to perform at the International Thespian Festival. We also knew that only 10 schools would make it so we did our best to outwork every single one. As an orange I thrive on competition and I’ve been a very competitive person from when I was little. I was always competing in several different sports from the time I was 5 to now, but I had never wanted to win something so badly. I was ready to go on stage and give the judges one of the best shows they’ve ever seen. I would tell you I wasn’t nervous, but I try my best not to lie. I was nervous, just not as nervous as some of my castmates. The reason I was not as nervous is because I am very comfortable in front of people or up on stage because I am a natural entertainer. Coincidentally, that is a characteristic of orange. When performing, it seemed everything was going great until the speaker started to not function like it was supposed to. My castmates looked at me for what to do, but I, like them, was taken by surprise at its malfunction. Not knowing what to do but knowing that the show must go on, I started to fiddle with the speaker and microphone whilst staying in character. Luckily being resourceful is

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