
Personal Narrative: Defining Myself

Decent Essays

My life has been dominated by an invisible line of division attempting to constitute who i should be; but I am Switzerland. Under no circumstances would i be able to choose one part of the cultures that make me who i am. The best display of this unusual conjunction of cultures is Thanksgiving. My plate is separated by that line of division between collard greens, macaroni and cheese, corn bread on one side, and arroz con gandules, penil, tortillas and pastelillos. Its funny how that separation is something comical when it comes to food, but turns into a constant struggle inside of me every time i am reminded. Being multiracial makes it impossible to fit into one specific mold that society tries to set for people. Going into my senior year schools have asked me to define myself, to try and explain who i am on a piece of paper by …show more content…

Everyone always says that high school is only a snapshot of the life you are about to live, but if college is generally the same amount of time, how do we make those next four years actually mean something when it comes to shaping us as adults? To me, that means choosing a school that is as diverse as I am. New York is called the melting pot of the world for a reason. I remember being lin line waiting to buy food from a street vendor and hearing people speak some sort of european language behind me, or seeing a family with darker skin than my father speaking fluent Spanish. What draws me to Columbia University grosses the surface facts of being a junior Ivy league. That invisible line of division shows up in every aspect of my life. My love of theatre has dictated every decision i made in high school. From taking all honors classes, to joining different clubs that interested me, I have tried to prepare myself to go out of state for college with hopes of learning from the best teachers about my

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