Something that interests me is volleyball! I love volleyball and I play volleyball for my school and I play club volleyball for the NKJV club! I play with all of my friends and we have so much making cheers and nicknames!Were all getting ready for the game! We are getting dressed, doing our hair, putting our knee pads on and our gym shoes! When we're done we start stretching. We are running, and stretching our legs and arms. Then we practice serving, passing, hitting (spiking), and setting! We are all stretched and ready for the game to start! In the corner of my eye I see a blue ugly jersey with the name Blessed Sacrament on it! “Oh no!” I shout. The ref raises his voice and says,”C’mon everyone, let's start the game.” “Ok” my coaches exclaim.
On March 4th, 2018, I, Officer Albert, was working as a Police Officer for the Wichita State University Police Department. At approximately 0150 hours I was dispatched to Shocker Hall for a suspicious character report. The suspicious character was a white male wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt riding a skateboard. I arrived at approximately 0151 hours on the south side of Shocker Hall and walked down the south steps towards the courtyard. Officer Andrew Abbey was on scene talking with an individual fitting the suspicions character description, see Officer Abbey's report. I spoke with the individual later identified as Tyler Micol Dane Kuhn. Kuhn's eyes were glassy and his pupils were large. Kuhn's hands were shaking and he seemed confused. Kuhn wasn't able to
Walking into the auditorium for my first audition in high school, my mind raced with fears and anxieties. I auditioned with a group of friends for the production of In the Heights. Immediately, I realized the high school’s drama program differed greatly from the middle school’s. The directors expected the students to prepare their song ahead of the time. My group had little to no preparation; It was the definition of “winging it.” When returning home, I began brainstorming other after school activities I could join because of the poor performance my group and I put on. Shockingly, I made the show and every show since. That moment changed my life for the better. Freshman year I was a shy, insecure student afraid of socializing with the others. Today, in my senior year, I am no longer that person. I am a confident young
Ten years ago I was celebrating my 49th birthday and on the verge of a life changing decade. After months of mammograms, tests, and biopsies, I heard the dreaded three words "you have cancer". You know that cliché movie scene where the character is sucked to the ceiling and watches the doctor from above and all she hears is a muted "blah, blah, blah"? That was my reality. I lived in what felt like a dream state for several years after hearing those words. One cannot be and will not ever be the same after a cancer diagnosis, in particular after your two favorite body parts are cut from your body. Fast forward to today, my 59th birthday and after many surgeries and procedures, I am living my "new normal". After my deconstruction and reconstruction, many
“We will now do a few simple stretching exercises designed to remove tension and stress to help you relax.” “This exercise.” Sly said. “Is something you must practice every day.” “Put your hands on the table close them and make a fist.” Squeeze as tight as you can.” “Now tighten every muscle in your body, stomach, arms, legs, everything as tight as you can.” “Hold it for a count of ten release the tension very slow, very very slow.” “Now do it five more times.”
There once was a salt shaker, named Saltina, who fell in love with a pepper shaker, named Pepprico. The two grew up in a grocery store down town, and began to grow rather fond of each other. Unfortunately, their love was forbidden among the spice world, but they did not care. As they grew closer and closer they decided to elope, and get married at night in the produce isle. The two eventually had an oregano child and named her Baby Spice. They kept their child hidden with their good friend, Herb, who lived in the isle next to them. The family became tired of having to live this secret life, so they decided to run away. Saltina took Baby Spice to a place where Pepprico and his wife could bring the child with them. The three would leave at the busiest store hour, so that way all the
Seth Reece is strange man. He has no friends and his sister is the only person from his family that is still alive. His parents died when he was seventeen in a airplane crash and left Seth and his sister Tia to live with each other. They live in an old, dumpy run down apartment complex in, Dallas Texas. One day Seth was walking down East Main St. to go get a big Mac from Mcdonald's when he realized he had no money. He called his sister and asked her if he could borrow money when she told him she had no money and that she had just got fired from her job at the food market. When he got back to his apartment there was a note on the door, the note said that they had not paid rent for the last two months so they were going to be kicked out
As we swiftly hopped in the car I started to panic. In my mind there were unimaginable things. Is she going to die? Does she feel good? What was going to happen to her? As I glared at her she looked out the window with a melancholy look on her face. It felt like 100 years passed by when we finally reached the doctor’s office my aunt quickly explained to the doctor what was going on with her daughter my cousin. After a few minutes in the waiting room we were transferred to the back where they checked Cynthia’s weight, blood pressure, and her heart. The doctor then passed us to a room and she drew blood from Cynthia once the results were in the doctor said you have to leave now take her to the children’s hospital. My aunt stopped and it was
“ The end is nothing; the road is all.” - Willa Cather. To me that quote is something a lot of people should think about when they are doubting doing something. You could interpret that quote in many different ways but for me it means that, how your life ends is nothing, but how you spent your life leading up to the end is everything.
September of 2011 was when I heard my favorite band for the first time. I remember it so clearly because that was when I met my best friend as well. I was a junior in high school and sitting in my anatomy class, when I overheard a group of people talking about 'So Far Away'. So, I went home and listened to it myself. That was the first time I listened to Avenged Sevenfold. They instantly became one of my top three favorite artists. As more of their music filled my ears, it's like I became entangled in a web and everywhere I turned their was A7X. It sounds crazy, but there is just something about their sound that captures my attention. One of the first rock/metal bands I enjoyed listening to.
For most of my childhood, my whole world was comprised of people that shared the same ethnicity, culture, and living style as I did. But after leaving El Salvador at the young age of seven and undertaking the most difficult journey of my life, my world was split shattered. In school, I had to assimilate to a culture where I was surrounded by kids who had been born speaking English and teachers who taught with voluminous books instead of dirty chalk boards. Meanwhile, at home I had to meet my mom’s expectations while also serving as her intermediary between our old world and the US. Aside from school and home, I also had to struggle making friends, having difficulty creating and maintaining relationships with the people of my age group. Having
Thursday March, and I was on my feet. Be that as it may, then I lost my foot. Stating it like this might confound, yet you will get it toward the end.
It was a bright sunny morning, I thought that it was little too sunny just because well now I can't go back to sleep. When I do go back to sleep I wake up again after I hear my parents fighting like usual. Eventually I do wake up and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I grabbed a banana and walked to my school even though it's almost a whole kilometre away but i did not seem to mind because I always loved school even though i am not that smart but I still got accepted into AK School i had to take a 4 page test and I passed first I was in shock because my aunt made me take the test i did not want to take the test for a couple of reason the biggest reason was that none of my friends were going to AK School. They were all going to Jackie Rack
It was a beautiful Friday morning, I wake up by the sound of grown folks laughing and arguing about who's the better man and by the sound of children screaming of excitement and joy. They were most likely playing tag or something, it wouldn't surprise me because in 15th Street it's always the children who wake up first and you can hear them throughout the day playing outside. I started my day off hoping in the shower, brushing my teeth, and saying good morning to my abuela. Not really in that order but you get what I mean, I have a routine. My grandmother was in the kitchen fixing me up some eggs, I quickly gobbled everything up on my plate, gave my abuela a kiss on the cheek and headed down the flight of stairs on my way outside. As I made my way
Then the 134 arrived. I got on, showed my pass to the bus driver and
I battled with my father to stop smoking ever since I knew smoking was harmful. Sometimes, I just wanted to set fire to all his cigarettes, especially when he coughed in pain. Moreover, after a sweet morning hug, I had to endure the nauseating smell of cigarette smoke lingering on my clothes the whole day.